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My Private Server was activated now what!?

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So at nearly 3weeks of waiting my server has been activated... but now i’ve got to set it up.

Besides password locking are there any other tips or tricks newly active server runners should be aware of?

Like, preventing the board from being wiped, Day/night durations, etc.



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Changes like server name, day/night duration etc. and the config file changes won't show until you restart the server.


Change 6.2 to 0 for longest days

Change 1.7 to 64 for fastest nights


There are threads for server messages (in config file).


Uncheck the bottom option in server settings to be able to view logs.  These logs will then be located on a log tab called DayZsomething.


Again, server restarts required for most if not all changes.

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Thanks much, I set 3hrs day and 1hr night

How will lots help?

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