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DayZ - The Priest has arrived.

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Ok guys I'm going to tell you/show you the most horrific thing that has happened to me on DayZ to date.

I logged onto a European server around 8pm GMT yesterday with a friend of mine. I had been drinking a little and it was getting dark outside of my window. I had my speakers on and me and the friend were talking on skype, trying to meet up in game.

I was low on blood around 3800 at the docks in Elektro and I lost connection to the server, when I reconnected I was passed out for some reason. Then I realised all around me were black figures. Great I thought zombies spawned on me now I'm going to die. Then I realised they weren't attacking me, but they were moving around me.

For some reason I took ages to regain conciousness, when I did come to what I saw was utterly terrifying. Around 10 priests running around me, my first thought was zombies, but they weren't zombies, they were alive. I tried to get a screencap but soon learned that ArmA2 doesn't like print screen. I moved away from the priests and they followed me.

I was freaked out but I thought ok this is kinda cool, then I heard a voice on the speaker, it was Russian or some kind of Eastern-bloc language (I couldn't tell). I was freaked the hell out, most likely it was someone on direct communication but I saw no one but the priests.

Soon enough a large group of zombies was migrating towards me and the priests, the small jumping zombies sprinted towards me at a huge speed even though I was not moving and far from them lying down. I ran and the priests sprinted after me, we sprinted through elektro industrial area together until I got caught in a bush and got knocked out/eaten.

During this whole thing I was ranting on skype to my friend about it, he was sceptical and asked for screenshots which I couldn't provide. Then it happened. He saw old women in the forests he was in near Rog Castle. That wasn't the end though, he saw priests as well, but wait for it. WITH HATCHES IN THEIR HANDS. We thought it was hackers or something crazy but we soon realised they must be AIs.

I had re-spawned near elektro and headed back into town to find out more. The rest of the night resulted in horrible sightings of large groups of priests, standing their watching, waiting. I found a group in all-round-defence around a building, the ones on the outside in prone and one in the middle standing, watching. I stood on the fire station in elektro and watched as a arrow-head formation of priests attracted zombies from all around, the zombies were slowly (not aggro) moving towards the priests. They didn't attack the priests and the priests didn't attack them, they stood there. I looked at the debug monitor and it showed there were only 30 zombies alive, I realised it was getting late and lots of people must have left the server (I checked later and there were only 6 people on). Soon the number raised to around 60/70 and I looked around and more and more zombies were coming to the priests. I counted around 40 zombies around me and realised most the zombies in the server were near me.

Me and my friends first thoughts were that they were bugged AIs accidently spawning in the game like zombies. Then we thought maybe hackers had hit the server (we decided against this). Then we thought the server owner had edited his server somehow (we also decided against this). The more and more we watched the priests the more we began to think that they were not just spawning but they had some kind of AI in them.

What are the chances of the AI that spawned being old women and priests (creepy priests) instead of something less scary like Russian civies. The way they brought zombies, I thought to myself, it's like a mistake in the coding of the mod, the priest. The priest puts itself on servers and creates masses of priests who are ring leaders for the zombies, calling them from the undead to take the server as their own. The priest is like agent smith, the minion priests are other agents. Either way it was terrifying (it should be implemented to the game, zombie ring leaders that call zombies to them then walk through towns/woods with hordes behind them)

Needless to say this was one of the most horrific things that has happened to me on DayZ. I checked and it was 4am GMT. I went to sleep and woke up this morning. I have scattered photos and videos we managed to get of the priests in the end, I'll link them below. On a side note one time I spawned I didn't have the normal skin but had the skin of an American soldier with digital pattern, knee pads etc. and no backpack. When I died I went back to the normal skin (I have no pic of this, I died before I installed a program capable of capturing ArmA2). Also the priest used side chat and sent messages you see on ArmA such as "Check your fire" etc. The weird thing, side chat is disabled.













http://i.imgur.com/HpyZS.jpg (my favourite)
























I will upload a video later and post a link here. (EDIT: It's uploading now, pretty bad quality video because I didn't have time to set screencap program up properly.)

Good luck out there guys, beware the priest.

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I was freaked out but I thought ok this is kinda cool' date=' then I heard a voice on the speaker, it was Russian or some kind of Eastern-bloc language (I couldn't tell). I was freaked the hell out, most likely it was someone on direct communication but I saw no one but the priests.


Then we thought maybe hackers had hit the server (we decided against this). Then we thought the server owner had edited his server somehow (we also decided against this).

Russians on server and strange NPCs spawning. Hmmm ... why again did you and your buddies decide against this being some kind of hack?

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We have encountered armed priests about an hour ago on the SE7 server. My friend and I were at two different locations but they've appeared(?) near both of us at the same moment (I don't know about the rest of the players on the server).

I was sneaking through some bushes to reach a crossroad. As I got close enough, I saw the priest with his M4 readied, standing a few metres from the middle of the crossroad. I immediately went prone, but he turned to me and started firing. We fired more than a mag into eachother without dying (lag, I guess), then I've disconnected. He seemed to me as if it was an AI, but I'm not sure.

And so, while this happened, my friend who was a few kilometres from me got shot and passed out. He saw the shooter run up to his body then run away. My friend came to, and saw that it was a priest, running into the forests "looking like he was searching for something" (while "my" priest was just standing in one place all the time, not caring even about getting shot.)

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I saw some priests last night as well, they were acting strange but I didn't stick around, I got the fuck out of there. (Was watching through binoculars)

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Wierd. They are probably looking for young boys to molest.

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I went to the northwesternmost part of the map the other night on a Night time server. The entire forest was on fire. I tried fraps,dxtory, and msi afterburner to try and record it and take screen shots.... none of the files would save.

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I saw those hilarious priests 2 days ago, was playing with a friend. We were in a barn, looting it, heard some gunshots. Thought it must be a bandit. Walked outside a barn, saw one survivor surrounded by 5 or 6 priests. Tried to shoot him and those freaking priests, no success. And then i just ran for my life. :D

If you want to see them in motion, just look there, was streaming this day. http://de.twitch.tv/the_mtz/b/323759968 Go to 2 hours and 5 minutes. There you will see them.

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It would appear that the old ladies carry the greatest threat. Get too close and you could be stink-palmed...


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