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[Forum] Create a trade & barter forum section

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I would like to suggest to make a trade forum where people can trade their stuff, and thus creating a economy ingame.

This would reduce all the trade posts being posted all over the forum. And players can search one forum for stuff they want to sell/buy (trade).

To expand this you could make trade contract in the posts where you issue a certain trader (trade company) to handle the trade securely and thus enlarging the role of player created trade companies

You could make a game section in the forum where you also add a clan area ( for clan recruitment etc.) also to keep the game talk organized ;)

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Instead of bumping, Expanding the idea

Just create a more game related forum section, a section where players can offer quests/ contract etc, this instead of everything being posted in the newbie area and HQ section where general stuff can be discussed

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i'm against this idea. sort of like people who post on the forum saying they have a broken leg and need someone to bring morphine, you shouldn't be able to use the forum to save yourself or improve your situation ingame.

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