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Where is my server?

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How can I find out what happened to the server I placed my tent on. Wanted to check for some stuff this morning. Can't find the server anymore.

Is there any way I can find out if it is coming back? Server is LU13. Thanks

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It might be temporarily down for maintenance or a reset so wait a while and it may come back up. There is a possibility it's been taken down completely by the hosts, or that it has changed name but you'd have to check the servers forums/teamspeak for that kind of info.

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those namings, like LU13, LU15, DE69, EU58 ... who gives those out? Is the hoster free to chose or are they handed out officially?

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They are handed out. You are supposed to use 'USwhatever' and so on.

Generally the format is "Location" "Settings" then "Hosted by ___ "

This helps players know the location of the server, settings, and who the host is so they can come back/search for the admins easier.

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thought so. so LU13 must have been an officially approved server, my hopes it will come back are higher now.

Thanks ;)

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