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Items disappearing

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Hi all, 

Love the new update but I have one major problem some of my items keep disappearing, 1st was my AK-m it’s was on my back then the server restarted when I logged back in the gun was gone, next was my duck tape used it once to repair an item of clothing when it was done the tape disappeared from my hand, same thing with a spark plug took it out of a car then put in my backpack when to get it again and gone is anyone else having this issue or is it just me??

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Yeah man, don't get attached to your stuff. I logged in, it was night, but I had nvgs in hand luckily. I checked player count. Hit circle to exit, and my guy crouched, but the menu was still on screen. It took an extra circle press to get out of the menu. Hit circle a few times to figure out if I was crouched or standing, then as I held R2 to look through nvgs, they vanished in the process. It was pure magic. That's the only thing that has disappeared on me since the update. I've had an FX-45 magazine glitch in the gun and I couldn't remove it.

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I have the same issues my akm and alot of car parts were stored in a hiking bag I put in a house I spawned in and it's all gone now 

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"Lost" a large tent and camo net... and probably other things i didn't noticed.

This game is going so bad...

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I found some barells and stashed items inside and so far have not lost anything. 

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FFS fix this problem and fix the lootpickup. in 90% of the time you can't loot all items of other players which can be really annoying! If you drop items for your friend they are also buggy most of the time... Is your damn database corrupt?! Why does this happen all the time?! It's basicaly the same as with 1.04 so you haven't fixed anyhting about the loot problems. What a shame...

Test your game before release and pls hire competent devs!

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At this point, I've learned it's pretty much pointless to voice any concern about the bugs.  The support and development team either don't care or won't communicate anything which makes it appear that they don't care.   

All I know is until something changes I won't be recommending this game to my other gaming friends.   They deserve better than this and frankly for as much as we have paid to play, so do we.

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They are reading what we are saying, they just don't communicate, it's evident by patch notes that they read what we say.

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Lost numerous weapons, I loaded my shotgun yesterday then it disappeared, my tent and barrel have disappeared and when I play with my bro we can’t swap gear, we’ll drop an item but can’t see it ??!!! I’d rather revert back to old version oh and please sort drop item back to holding square

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