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Ecko (DayZ)

Bandit = Hard mode.

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I love bandit status I must say.

Since becoming a bandit I haven't really killed any players just for the sake of it. I just love the extra challange. Being in a bandit skin tends to leave people to open fire first, ask questions later...

Heck even my friend that joined I told to always shoot bandits before trying to work with them.

Who else has become a bandit just for the extra challange?

I've killed 3 people as a bandit. 2 of those because they opened up on me. Generally when people engage I try to bug out. Not always possible though!

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I became a bandit because i thought it would be easier, working in a team is too cumbersome, they want to share loot, they wanna borrow your ammo and they draw too much attention to myself, im a smash and grab player, i'll scope out a place, rush in kill a player if i have to and get out with the least noise possible.

Right now im trying to get my humanity down but recently ive had to suffer a lot of "Self defence" meaning im about -10,000 right now so i've ran to the furthest corner of the map waiting for it to go down.

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Almost everyone shoots first no matter the skin, however you shooting first is much easier than trying to raise humanity.

Bandit also geys better camo.

Bandit is easy mode.

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How is it worse than PMC? At least it breaks up your outline. PMC outfit is easy to see.

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Bandit also geys better camo.

...says the brightly glowing figure in the distance. :angel:

The bandit camo is really very limited in its use.

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of course bandits get shot at without question; because they shoot without question!

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Bandit also geys better camo.

...says the brightly glowing figure in the distance. :angel:

The bandit camo is really very limited in its use.

The blue gear of a survivor makes you stick out like a sore thumb I would rather have the bandit skin.

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The survivor skin is arguably better in the city, though not really to a useful degree. The bandit skin is far more useful out in the wilderness. To the point where in a group, the ones of us who have the bandit skin are often lost by our survivor companions, annoyingly.

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At night, bandit camo is great. I was lying down in the field at the NW airfield and 4 survivors ran right past me and didn't notice a thing. I didn't shoot them because they were running to their buddies at the air traffic control tower. There were like 12 of them. Wouldn't have ended well for me.

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Survivor clothes are better during darker hours.

I roll with a bandit and survivor, I can't even see my survivor buddy at night at all.

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Don't flame me BUT why doesn't the humanity reset on death? Every other stat does.. I believe if it reset on death you could use humanity as sort of a points system. Right now I have -40k but it doesn't mean anything to me. Now If I had to accumulate that all in one go and got killed after getting such a high score... Well, then I would have to try harder next time.

I know some people use the amount of time lived to feel accomplished but it's easy to sit there like a paranoid ass hole instead of going out and racking up a score!

I understand having to "stick with your decisions" but I don't think this really changes things, other than it would make survivor encounters more sketchy and fun.

I know this is not an arcade cod shooter, get kills for airstrikes zomg!, but it is just something that makes sense to me.

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bandit skin is horrible for camouflage. The dark survivor skin is probably the best. The bandit skin reflects too much light.

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