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Finally a Realistic way to solve the shoot on sight!

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Yes i am also sick of seeing these threads about how to solve the 'kill on sight' dilemma.

All the suggestions i've currently read all have the same flaw: They are trying to force players into a particular play style. This is never good for a game as players like to play their own way! Instead suggestions should give more options to players so they can play how they want to play, not less options by forcing punishments or skins onto players etc. These suggestions are unrealistic!

We want to keep the game real and I have a suggestion which gives players options but is also realistic within the game.

First, imagine a real situation where people recognise you because of your role within the community. Maybe your just a well known friendly helpful guy, a medic, a law enforcement officer or your a known criminal. Or maybe your new in town and nobody knows you.

The problem with the game is you can't recognise players by faces. You could bump into one friendly guy in game and then bump into him again not knowing he was the same friendly guy you saw 30mins ago. This time you may shoot on sight depending on the situation. This is unrealistic! So the way to transfer this recognising players into the game which keep the game realistic is below:

Optional skins you can choose to wear or not to wear. (Don't force players!).

- A friendly skin : Only wearable by players with high humanity.

- A medic skin : Only wearable by players who have given x amount of blood and high humanity. - (Even a bandit shouldn't shoot a medic, they may help you too?!)

- A Law enforcement skin: Only wearable by x amount of bandits killed / high humanity. (I'd feel safe around this guy :D)

- A Criminal skin: For those that want to advertise they are bandits for their e-peen.

- Civil, ghilli, camo skins will remain in the game and are wearable by anyone.

- Other skin roles could be added in future!

This would bring a feel of community in the game and a role for each person to playout if they choose! It would also stop alot of friendly's killing friendly's but at the same time not too lose that in game feeling of who to trust, as that is also important to keep.

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I quite like this idea. It's not going to solve the issue of cherno campers but it's a nice addition. Lets face it, people in the real world do generally dress a certain way to confirm with their peers. This would totally make sense. People will most certainly complain about players being limited to certain outfits depending on their actions but I kinda like this. It gives everyone a goal to attain and show their moral and social standing which is something that is lacking at the minute.

I like the idea that with this idea us players can say, I want to be perceived this way within the world. So I need to act this particular way to achieve this visual presence. High humanity could be calculated from days without killing other players.

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Someone who thought it through before posting

Definitly right in the first bit, 2nd bit maybe make it so theres more variation in the skins etc and that any player can find/equip a guille/camo etc. but theres also some average clothes you can spawn as and then work you way up by humanity based actions to unlock skins. Also if your a medic but get too little humanity ie decide to be a bandit it will change you skin and youll loose the unlocked skin and gain a bandit skin (skins being separate un-drop-able items)

^Only problem with this is apparently thier removing the bandit skin as bandits didnt like people being able to tell that they were going to shoot them.

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I quite like this idea. It's not going to solve the issue of cherno campers but it's a nice addition. Lets face it' date=' people in the real world do generally dress a certain way to confirm with their peers. This would totally make sense. People will most certainly complain about players being limited to certain outfits depending on their actions but I kinda like this. It gives everyone a goal to attain and show their moral and social standing which is something that is lacking at the minute.

I like the idea that with this idea us players can say, I want to be perceived this way within the world. So I need to act this particular way to achieve this visual presence. High humanity could be calculated from days without killing other players.



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I don't like it. Why skin "roles" ? I mean, everyone is a survivor. you'll wear clothes that help you survive longer : warm coat if it's raining, camo if you're in the woods, dark clothes if it's night etc...

I think what we need is a proper clothing system allowing you to find lots of clothing gear, and wearing it depending on the conditions I've stated before : rain, location, time of day.

Also if there is enough customisation options in the final product, it will help people recognising each other and maybe slightly help teamplay.

EDIT : I think your idea could work as a temporary stuff BEFORE the game becomes standalone. I know a clothing system would require a ton of coding, preferably compiled in engine for performance reasons : so we won't see it til DayZ is only an Arma mod.

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Hey! I've just came up with an idea!


A bar over players head or near him when you look at him from not a long distance, which shows friendliness and works like that:

- after the player's (re)birth there's no bar, the value is 0

- while the player is in your sight the bar is growing green max value is 2 (for example)

- if he gave you blood the bar grows to max point - value=3

- if the player shoots at you bar falls down and becomes red. I think for unfriendly character we need only one value "-1"

You also can manually edit the bar over any player's head.

What does this all mean?

If you see person for the first time you don't know if he is unfriendly. the more time you spend together the more the indication bar grows. So when you see the player next time you'll know that you met each other and didn't fight.

And if you had a fight and stayed alive next time you'll meet the player you'll know that you had a fight last time because the bar will be red.

If the group (team) system will be developed it could be integrated in it so you would know who was friendly or unfriendly to your teammates instantly

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Its okay but why not alot of civilian skins ?

I mean really ALOT so everybody looks a little bit different

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I like the idea that with this idea us players can say' date=' I want to be perceived this way within the world. So I need to act this particular way to achieve this visual presence. High humanity could be calculated from days without killing other players.


Do you realise what you wrote make no sense ? Clothes mean nothing on what you are, on you're intentions. In a world where modern society collapsed, it will mean even less. You will scavenge whole cities to find a decent pair of shoes to keep you walking till the next town.

You should read (or watch the film) The Road, to have a better idea of what is survival.

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I don't like skins (players should be able to wear anything), but a bar over player's head?!?! shut up please.

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I don't like skins (players should be able to wear anything)' date=' but a bar over player's head?!?! shut up please.


Why? ^_^

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Man, I think I just fell asleep on my keyboard, and had the worst dream ever. It was like, someone wanted to add green bars over people's head in DayZ...

Oh wait...

blablabla ....

A bar over players head or near him when you look at him from not a long distance ... blablablahh


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I don't like it. Why skin "roles" ? I mean' date=' everyone is a survivor. you'll wear clothes that help you survive longer : warm coat if it's raining, camo if you're in the woods, dark clothes if it's night etc...

I think what we need is a proper clothing system allowing you to find lots of clothing gear, and wearing it depending on the conditions I've stated before : rain, location, time of day.

Also if there is enough customisation options in the final product, it will help people recognising each other and maybe slightly help teamplay.

EDIT : I think your idea could work as a temporary stuff BEFORE the game becomes standalone. I know a clothing system would require a ton of coding, preferably compiled in engine for performance reasons : so we won't see it til DayZ is only an Arma mod.


Totally agree there needs to be a clothing system.

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I don't like it. Why skin "roles" ? I mean' date=' everyone is a survivor. you'll wear clothes that help you survive longer : warm coat if it's raining, camo if you're in the woods, dark clothes if it's night etc...

I think what we need is a proper clothing system allowing you to find lots of clothing gear, and wearing it depending on the conditions I've stated before : rain, location, time of day.

Also if there is enough customisation options in the final product, it will help people recognising each other and maybe slightly help teamplay.

EDIT : I think your idea could work as a temporary stuff BEFORE the game becomes standalone. I know a clothing system would require a ton of coding, preferably compiled in engine for performance reasons : so we won't see it til DayZ is only an Arma mod.


Totally agree there needs to be a clothing system.

And I just thought, if you give total freedom player on what they can wear, and enough clothes in term of quantity, then clans will surely find ways to recognise themselves without having to add specific "clan skin" items : they will wear the same jacket (hells angels style^^), hat, or maybe accessories like glasses or whatever. MORE metagame, please :)

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Well maybe not over the head but some way to show you've met this player before and he was friendly/unfriendly to you. But only to you. Cause skin means that a player kills one and everybody see his bandit skin. But it has to be subjectively. He was friendly to you and you don't mind all his murders, he was unfriendly to you and you don't mind all the lives he saved.

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I like the concept.

I preferred playing Day Z when we had bandit/survivor skins. Only because if you saw a survivor you were more likely to try and engage in communication. Now, you have no choice but to presume hostile, as you have too much to lose, especially when you've put a few days into one character.

A range of skins would certainly make it more interesting, and potentially change the dynamics of the game. For example, medics would probably set up camp around hospitals etc, and try to prevent uncontrolled looting.

Being able to visually identify the nature of a player improves the game in my opinion. But just because someone is a survivor doesn't mean they wont shoot you when your backs turned. As was the case when we had survivor/bandit skins. [/align]

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Please read my suggestion for a player identification and classification system.

It emulates recognition of faces, and permits players to make their own judgements about others' behaviors and intentions based on observed actions, not on arbitrary rules put in place by the system.

Your idea is a step above the "forced" skin concept, I agree, but it still inherently contains the notion of a magical third-party judge who has to come along and say "No! You can't wear those clothes because you've been a naughty boy!"

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You call this "a realistic" method, yet the idea requires some mystical force that prevents someone from putting-on a white doctor's coat if he's killed too many people?

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I like one part of your idea which is:

Making more Skins available to players. Their should be a wide variety of clothes lying around like loot in the game. Maybe even some clothing

stores. Of course this could be used for recognition in clans or so.

Or u could wear them because they look cool. And furhter there could be clothes for cold days or so.

Now the part i dont't like about it.

Making it depending on the way u behave in the game. Really?

That's total unrealistic, especially when there is no society.

I mean who should prevent u from wearing a police uniform

and murdering someone.

There is no society anymore in this game other than

the society u could build with players.

And that bar over the head...

Remenmber their names if they act friendly!

I dont know what u see in the world but i don't see green bars over

peoples head. And u normally recognise people by their face, behaviour and sometimes by their clothes.

Since u cant put ur faces into the game and there is no system to simulate special behaviour of people. And I doubt that this will be in the game at any point in the future.

And cloths! Even if there is a variety of clothes u could be still betrayed.

So due to the games limits u have to use the name as a substitute for faces and other unique attributes,

because that's the way to keep a maximum of reality.

But green bars would be a minimum of reality.

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Any system that uses tracked stats in a perma death game has two problems.

1. If it follows your account not a specific character, you will unlock most/all options eventually or you are forced to play all of your characters in a similar style because certain content is off limits to you.

2. If it follows your character and not your account, you will most likley never unlock a substantial amount of content because you will die. Player interactions are not modified because new characters are "reset" and again free from the yoke of gamification to choose how to interact with other players, ie shoot them in the face on site.

I think that meta game solutions would be the most realisitic and also the most in line with the rest of the games features. Sadly most of these types of features are very hard to implement and thus may not be available in a mod. Namely this would be a full clothing system, but I do think more skins will be available and this should help. I also think that radios will be available eventually in the mod and they will add alot of depth to interactions.

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You call this "a realistic" method' date=' yet the idea requires some mystical force that prevents someone from putting-on a white doctor's coat if he's killed too many people?


The skin is optional, your not forced to wear a skin that becomes unlocked to you. And yes it it realistic who can wear which skin. In real life nobody can be a medic or a law enforcement, they require certification and background checks, hence it's a game so the background checks is the humanity!

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You call this "a realistic" method' date=' yet the idea requires some mystical force that prevents someone from putting-on a white doctor's coat if he's killed too many people?


The skin is optional, your not forced to wear a skin that becomes unlocked to you. And yes it it realistic who can wear which skin. In real life nobody can be a medic or a law enforcement, they require certification and background checks, hence it's a game so the background checks is the humanity!

Yeah in the reality there is a society that makes that background checks.

But Dayz plays after the end of the World. So also after the end of society.

So if u go in a hospital and find Medic clothes, u can wear them

cause there is nobody that will run background checks on u.



So if u find doctor clothes, u can wear them. And most of the people will not be able to tell, if u are really are doctor or not, just by looking at ur outfit.

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Agree - I think more skins would be good - also your humanity / play-style could dictate / improve the chances of finding a certain type of skin and lowering the chances for others?

But I think everyone is in favor of having more skins and I hope that the dev team is working on this. Good job to the work they have done so far...

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I like this idea because it rewards for good actions. The reason the bandit skin didn't work is because you never knew if someone had worked hard for a good player skin, you only knew if someone had killed a player before (maybe even in self defense).

Introducing a skin for good actions will reduce killing on sight by fathoms more than introducing only a skin for bad actions.

Would you kill someone you know worked to earn the right to wear this 'good' skin?

People complaining about realism such as whitetigershiro and martin and mr two need to remember this game is not meant to be completely realistic. Morphine instantly heals broken bones guys. Rocket prefers to use the term 'authentic' in these situations. Something that gives the game a more authentic feel is what he wants in the game. If a bandit wants to work at first to secure a semi-'good' skin in order to get close to certain people and be able to murder them thats exactly the kind of thing rocket wants to be able to happen with a feature. As long as it doesn't force people into a certain playstyle then it's all good.

In fact maybe the bandit skin thats included in this suggestion should be removed and the only thing bandits have to lose is their 'good' skin (assuming they earned it to get close to people and murder them).

Punishments for playing a certain way will NEVER be introduced into this game.

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This isn't a solution, this probably causes more problems than the other humanity system where you have a bandit skin if killing someone. 1) This is a post-apocolyptic envoirmonet, and a sand box game, people should not have exclusive outfits just for their playstyle, they should be able to latch onto any clothing they get just like you would do in a desperate situation like this. 2) A bandit being able to choose wether he wants to look like a bandit or not for one 99% of bandits will not choose to do so, this will go back to the same problem we had in the first place where there was no way to tell a bandit apart and there are no consquences for their actions. Peoplewill start to get more weary of people in normal outfits. Also you cannot lock people intoan outfit like the old system so we need to move away from oufits that show your playstyle completley, they don't work

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Too many comments to read but I like the idea because of customization and actually being able to recognize players but I don't really like the idea of skins being for a specific role. It should just be a completely random choice by what players thinks looks best.

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