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Servers for Aussie players?

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I usually try to log on around now to play some DayZ but as you can see all the Australian servers are always filled to capacity and the rest are either in the dead of night or unplayable due to lag/inability to connect.

Anyone have suggestions of servers to play on?

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Try some West US servers. Seattle has loads of servers, and they're easy to find by typing the name in the search bar if you use the Six Launcher.

You will get higher ping thought, in and around the 150 to 200 range. But its pretty manageable since this game is so slow going.

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But the Seattle ones are pitch black and it's so hard to play, especially since I'm still learning.

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Hmmmm... Well... if you play at around 9PM your time, some of the Seattle servers should be in daylight. Try to go for ones with high population. Chances are, those servers are in daylight.

Other than that, you could try servers from New Zealand, but I'm not sure how's the ping between Aussieland and NZ.

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Seriously man? Just tap enter until someone leaves. I've been playing for weeks now and it never takes me more than 1-2 minutes to join an ANZ server.

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Yeah the NZ ones are pretty good but alas, they are mostly full too. Ok well I might try the Seattle servers in an hour or two. Thanks!

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Do note that while the servers tend to try to keep to local time, they're sometimes completely off.

Like, once I was in a Seattle server that was at sunset, eventhough it should technically be a sunrise. Sometimes you get lucky that way. Your best bet in finding daytime servers eventhough it should be nighttime is to just keep an eye out for servers with high populations.

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Just play at night time that's normally what i do barely packed and you get funny guys who talk on the side chat (before the sidechat was remove)

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Try the Seattle or LA servers... there are a TON of Seattle servers and you'll be able to find plenty of ones with a time offset. Honestly I get a better connection to Seattle servers a lot of the time, the ANZ & NZ servers have been awful recently.

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Good news. Using a Seattle server me and four buddies managed to make it from Elektro to an airfield and get some great loot. It was night time but we had an amazing time! Love this game! Thanks for all the advice.

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