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Well as we all know, the 1.03 + 1.04 update is coming to the consoles, however, what I really want to know is if the 1.04 update ended up with mass duplication, server hopping and ghosting. If you have not done with these things, how are they? Are they as critical as in the 1.02 update? Is it still a gigantic problem in the game or has the update lessened with these problems?



sorry for my bad English.



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Duping hasn't been much of a problem on PC for a while. Most serious players play on private servers where duping doesn't really happen. The changes they made in 1.04 certainly make ghosting impossible. Again, private servers aren't affected by this because it's one character per server. Since console are getting private servers, I would say stick with them and you should rarely notice any problems. Occasional problems will still happen on official servers (they recently said that duping will never be stopped completely) But it's so rare, you won't notice it. You won't likely see the 'tent cities' again.

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