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Advice on starting server

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Hi all, me and a friend are considering starting our own dayz server, we want a vanilla server that has no or very limited nighttime, any advice on a decent European host and how to configure the day/night cycle would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

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3 hours ago, Dogeggz said:

how to configure the day/night cycle

Inside the DayZServer folder, there is a file called "serverDZ.cfg" (you might know about it). In this file there are these lines,


you can change value 0 - 24. For example if you put 24 as the value, entire day would pass in one hour. Next line,


you can change value 0.1-64.  More value = faster night time. Also remember, serverNightTimeAcceleration value also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. For example let's take, serverTimeAcceleration=10 and serverNightTimeAcceleration=5 so in this case server night time would move 50 times faster than normal day time.

Edited by Fuze95

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3 hours ago, Dogeggz said:

decent European host

for only you and friend? try use google cloud server. There is free tier with $300 credits. you can use it for like 2 or 3 months for free (CPU 2.4GHz, RAM 8GB, Windows Server 2016 OS). But you will need a credit or debit card to activate free tier. You can select server location when you setup the server.

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