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BBF Smiles

BBF - Baptized by Fire now Recruitng.

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Hey everyone,

Just to put it out there Clan BBF is currently recruiting for DayZ, we could really use some more dedicated players to join up and help get more member flow with in the clan. It's a lot more fun to group up with friends and take high risk looting missions and venture around.

BBF has big plans for our very own server and hopes to reach recruitment numbers of thirty or more. A lot of looting is in store for the future and having large numbers of members retrieving loot at once will get us vast amounts of items in good time.

BBF is a great community, full of good, dedicated people. Here's a little bit about the clan.

We have now been running for over 12 years and going strong!

Baptized by Fire is an interactive, competitive and fun gaming clan that is currently active in games across multiple genres for both the PC and Xbox console. At times the clan can be active in practice, league play or ladder matches for certain game titles. Such competition requires good communication between the clan and members.

We require all clan members to register on our forums and take part in our message board discussions.

We also invite all members to be active on our Teamspeak 3 server whenever they play on a Baptized by Fire server as vocal communication is the preferred method of relaying information quickly during a game.

Since Baptized by Fire already has a synergy with its established membership group, we strive to maintain the level of excellence in our roster with our recruitment process for the benefit and enjoyment of all members. All members and potential recruits are asked to closely read and abide to the Baptized by Fire Clan Charter.

Every clan is only as good as its members, and this thesis is based on more than mere skill level. More mature and honorable members with a positive attitude are much more valuable to a large group than any individual player with elite skill. This is why winning sports franchises often speak highly about team chemistry while trying to avoid signing any superstar player who is labelled as being "cancerous" in the locker room.

After registering on the site, you are then able to continue to fill out the Join Application. Your application will be posted in the Join Us/Challenge section of our forums. We encourage you to check back on your application thread often, as the the Game Commander for the game you are applying for will respond to your post with further information for you.

Register here: Baptized by Fire - Registration and apply here: Baptized by Fire - Join Up!

Hope to see some new applicants for DayZ soon!

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