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Blood Level not getting Saved when server crashes.

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Date/Time: 16.05.12


Player re-gained blood by eating meat and beans. (aprox. 4000 blood restored). Game was saved several times (we played for an hour after regaining the blood).

Server crashed

After we connected to a new server, the blood level was on the previous value (2000) even though the equipment was up to date (saved shortly before the crash)

It appears that the blood level only gets saved when you disconnect normally from a server.

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Blood level 2000

hunting animals and eating meat

blood level 6000

continued to play for an hour without disconnecting

server crashed

joining new server

Blood level back to 2000, equipment was the latest we picked up.

Additional info: One of our group members disconnected due to graphic problems and joined back before the server crashed. After the server crash his blood level was the higher one (after eating).

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