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Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

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*Server: Chicago 57 (Hosted by Ghillie Suit Goons) ...(The [GSG] guys]

*Time: ~1:30 a.m. EST

A friend of mine had spotted a large camp with several vehicles and tons of weapons... Thing is, those weapons weren't supposed to be in the game. So I went up to the camp and noticed someone standing there (A [GSG] clan member named "ThatDirtySlave"). I crept up on him (I think he was afk) and killed him. I ran to his body to check what he had real quick and found an M110 NV Scope rifle. Right after I took it an admin had kicked me. I then joined another server since I figured they kicked me to get in place to kill me when I logged back in... Then once I had gotten back to Chicago 57, I was in only for a moment before being kicked yet again. Every time I try joining this server now I just get kicked after a few moments, probably once they realize I'm back in.

This server needs to be shut down immediately.


I'm still getting kicked for no reason... I'm almost tempted to just post a pic of where all their stuff is to show everyone how badly they've cheated. So many guns that shouldn't be in the game...

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I take that back... after they restarted the server several times I was able to make it in for a minute... to find that they had removed all of their equipment. There was probably 20-30 barbwire fences/sandbags/tank traps and ~15 vehicles. They definitely wanted to cover their tracks. Too bad I already got it all on video. ;]

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The server could of been auto kicking you because you took a hacked in weapon

Impossible because the player he killed should have been autokicked the moment he "received" the illegal weapon.

Anyway, if it is true then it's really awful.

Thanks for the footage ShiZaNkY, I think too that you were kicked for the reasons you mentioned; it is rare to have some sort of clear video capture of those events; generally everyone just post here yelling at admins with no proof.

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Wow, thats real bad.

I have had so many camps of mine raided with my clan, so many firefights, lost gear, NVG's, DMR'S, SVD's... You name it, I have had it and lost it.

This is just sad... Admins like this make me upset.

Just as much as you win in this game, its just as possible to lose in this game. Some admins can't take a hit when they lose their equipment.

Also, if I am not mistaken... There is no such weapon as a M110 NV Scope rifle in Day-Z, correct? Only the FN FAL NV is the current weapon with a NVScope, right?

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Correct, there is no M110 NV Scope in DayZ. It was a weapon they must have illegally obtained and I really wish I would have looked inside all of the cars before killing the guy. My friend that told me about that camp had done so and found a LOT of other illegal guns.

And about me taking the gun.. First off I took it instinctively cause it looked like a good gun and I knew the clan would be pissed I found their stuff. And no, I was not being kicked because of the gun. I had been on 2 other servers before I realized I should've ditched the gun (I never even used it) and both of which I wasn't being kicked. + Now after what I believe to have been an admin killing me on that server I had nothing and I was still being kicked... but only when there was an admin online.

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Pathetic! Bump for justice! These goons don't deserve to host a server.

They're obviously disabling battleye, spawning whatever they need, then re enabling it. i hope Rocket really does start cracking down on these Rogue servers with no regard for the rules.

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Pathetic! Bump for justice! These goons don't deserve to host a server.

They're obviously disabling battleye' date=' spawning whatever they need, then re enabling it. i hope Rocket really does start cracking down on these Rogue servers with no regard for the rules.


This isn the first [GSG] thread out there is it?

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