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Glitch: edge of lake/rocks clipping issue?

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Submitted a report before without reading stickies or knowing format. Resubmitting with apologies.

Date/Time: 05.07.12 1:30am AEST

What happened: Possible clipping issue at small rocks on edge of lake. I'm stuck in place, bouncing through the floor. I can look up and down, fire, go prone, and use my inventory. I cannot turn, or move at all. I can abort, and respawn, but I'm still stuck in place. Screenshots come up black.

Where you were: Coords 114 079. Edge of lake behind factory, on the small rocks beside the big rock.

What you were doing: Drinking, refilling water bottle, then turned around.

*Current installed version: (beta 94444)

*Server(s) you were on: Server NZ9, but i can log out, and log in on another server and I spawn in with the glitch going full steam. Cannot move or get away.

*Your system specs: 2600K, Gigabyte Z68 UD3, 8GB 2133 Ripjaws, GTX580, HDD, SSD for 64home.

*Timeline of events before/after error: As above. Was refilling water bottle at 114 079, turned around and glitched into rocks somehow. Bug remains when I log in on any server.

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Wow, I've got the same exact problem in pretty much the same location. Was approaching the factory lake from the north-east to fill up on water, and I'm stuck bouncing up and down as well.

I'll try to get my mates over to my position so they can grab my gear, but this was a major bummer.

Wait, I just got unstuck. I was pounding the v key to try to vault my way out, and on the fifth or so try managed to get myself out.

Hopefully this will help anyone else who gets stuck in this spot.

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I got out too. Got hit by a wandering zombie. He couldn't do anything while i was prone or crouching, might have been the timing, but i accidentally stood up while the glitch was still going, and the blow knocked me free.

Was going to have to pass gear to friend as well. Not going near those rocks again.

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If you get stuck on them, stand up and press V until you walk off. Saved me a few times now :)

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If you get stuck on them' date=' stand up and press V until you walk off. Saved me a few times now :)


Raku that's genius. We all should have thought of that one. Will recommend to those getting stuck anywhere.

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This is a horrible issue. I got stuck on the edge of rocks and when I tried to get unstuck (using jump/V button), my legs broke, went into shock and instantly got -4000+ hp and died. My friend had the same thing happen. I brought a bike over to the spot and put it near him. He was able to hop on the bike and peddle away from the rock.

Not sure of the exact location but looking at the south coast there was lighthouse to the right and there was a small island with wood houses and a dock right across from it. Close to the railroad.

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