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Player Identification and Classification System

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This is a pretty cool system. And the people saying it "punishes" player behavior are really just bandits. What they really mean is it causes "consequences" for player behavior and they don't want risk, they just want reward.

  1. Currently, players can change their name and skin at will. This is a mechanic that favors exploitation unfairly. Could you imagine in the real world if every time you did something that would cause retaliation you could just change your name, face, fingerprints, and social security number? And then change it back at whim? This is how DayZ works.
  2. Having your tags reset after death is also nonsense. Because the person who did all of that is still there doing it. In fact, not only are they still carrying out the same activity, they probably have a tent full of stuff stashed somewhere so that if they die they can immediately re-equip and continue doing it.

Until they make custom skins and names that are permanently attached to your character, until they get rid of tents and vehicle storage, and until death becomes permament and all of your actions are tied to that single life you have and nothing can change that, tagging people on sight within visual identification range and having it carry over after death is a really good idea.

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This game doesn't need this. What it needs instead is bug fixing, animations improving, and so on. In addition to that, a feature that would make this thread pointless is the ability to make groups and for once use the Group Communication properly. You stick to your group not to the world classification. If you are afraid that sooner or later someone will betray you, end your long time character who you spent so much trying to build, just follow your instincts and keep that person away from you.

If they implemented something like this, it would just be a game braking mechanic. Would make the game like any other game out there that is dull and stale. This game is great because is free from all those stupid mechanics. That is what makes this feel unique among all the others. What makes this game awesome is the fact that you can't tell who is friendly and who is not. The thrilled that drives you to be afraid or careful about meeting others. Take in consideration the immersion that this game already produces on you. Stereotypes should be kept away from the game. If they implement clothes and skins, then clothes and skins should be optional.

Have you ever thought why this mod (soon to be game) is so popular? Is it because it is just like any other game with helpful HUD and everything else that can help you identify good or bad? Or is it because it has its own authenticity? Not being able to tell what is good or what is right.

In the end, this is just a game and things like that can still be implemented. But this game is great because it is able to standout as different.

I do understand that many people would love your awesome system. But think about the great majority of people who plays the game because of the originality factor. I'd bet you anything in the world that people have chosen this game for one reason only. They are on their own. They choose what to do on their own, they do not need help from a system like this.

Certainly the system that you present is very interesting, but not for this game.

Tl;dr: Immersion braking mechanic.

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So I apologize for not having time to read all of this. Not being sarcastic either, since it looks like there's a good deal of good discussion going on here. So I'm going to throw in my $.02, and if someone else has already raised these points, simply count them as an upvote for that guys ideas, kay?


So this is an excellent idea, at the core. I also disagree about permanence. I think that, aside from the break of immersion, there's a great deal of potential here to incentivise certain kinds of behavior (a persistent reputation that could get you killed and/or make life easier for you can sway people decision whether or not to go dark side).

But I also like the idea of adding a greater degree of value to someone's life than just loot... so it's a tough one...

I think one possibility is a journal type thing (probably talking standalone here, vs. mod...) you make these notes in your "journal" and it's a real thing that can be lifted from your corpse. That doesn't do much to increase the value of your one life, but it at least keeps your "new survivor on the beach" from knowing everyone in chernarus.

I'm also concerned about implementation... how often are you going to have opportunities to do the kind of clicking you describe when you're within range of a guy you want to click about (usually someone who's doing something you don't like... like killing you).

I'll say one possible alternative is to have your 'journal' auto fill a bit... i.e. "I saw so and so commit a murder". "So and So saved my butt". etc. Or it just compiles a list of people you've been close enough to identify recently, and you can, later, go back and make notes, or assign colors/whatever... Maybe it only records certain "important" info automatically... "Saw so and so kill someone" or "HES KILLING ME!!!". So you kill a bunch of people, there'll start being more and more records of your bad deeds... maybe you have the ability to go, grab their journals and either simply steal/destroy them, or rip out your page or whatever...

It should be POSSIBLE to be a rampant murder without the rest of the world knowing about it... it just shouldn't be EASY. y'know?

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This game doesn't need this. What it needs instead is bug fixing, animations improving, and so on.


That is what makes this feel unique among all the others. What makes this game awesome is the fact that you can't tell who is friendly and who is not. The thrilled that drives you to be afraid or careful about meeting others.

First: This is the SUGGESTION forum. Not the bug report forum. Obviously the bugs (and there's many) need to be fixed. That's not a suggestion. That's self evident. That's like "suggesting" that airline pilots do their best to not crash and kill everyone on the plane... Not that it never happens, but they either are, or aren't going to try, and they either are, or aren't going to be successful, and that suggestion has nothing to do with it.

Second: What are you talking about? right now, as it stands, 90% of character interactions are KOS. There's no reason to be careful about meeting people when you just shoot them. I ran across two guys yesterday... and if I'd of seen them first, having zero reason to trust them, and very good reasons to not trust them (really nice kit they had on), I would have opened fire. They saw me first, turned out to be lucky noobs who'd found someones tent, and were friendly, and it was cool... but MY instinct was to kill them because I had zero room for trust. If you want to enable any kind of scenario where people can start building that trust, you have to give them the tools to do so.

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I like your system but it does not take into account that DayZ has a huge playerbase nowadays and you meet more different individuals than there should be around in an area as big and developed as Chernarussia.Some sort of artificial identificaten system is needed to balance out the unrealistic byproducts of online gaming (server hopping,log outs,no need for a place to sleep/camp and last but not least huge playerbase making it impossible to keep track of).


It should be POSSIBLE to be a rampant murder without the rest of the world knowing about it... it just shouldn't be EASY. y'know?

one way to do this would be to allow you to hide your face before you commit a murder

like I suggested in this thread :


Edited by Knollte

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fantastic idea, i think this would especially help situations in which multiple friends/allies are engaging hostiles. I often find myself having to constantly check in with teammates to verify their position so i don't accidentally shoot them, instead of a hostile. However, realistically, we would be able to tell the difference between a friend we've seen for long periods of time and an unknown survivor, so a tagging system would definitely help differentiate between characters since they all have similar models

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First: This is the SUGGESTION forum. Not the bug report forum. Obviously the bugs (and there's many) need to be fixed. That's not a suggestion. That's self evident. That's like "suggesting" that airline pilots do their best to not crash and kill everyone on the plane... Not that it never happens, but they either are, or aren't going to try, and they either are, or aren't going to be successful, and that suggestion has nothing to do with it.

Second: What are you talking about? right now, as it stands, 90% of character interactions are KOS. There's no reason to be careful about meeting people when you just shoot them. I ran across two guys yesterday... and if I'd of seen them first, having zero reason to trust them, and very good reasons to not trust them (really nice kit they had on), I would have opened fire. They saw me first, turned out to be lucky noobs who'd found someones tent, and were friendly, and it was cool... but MY instinct was to kill them because I had zero room for trust. If you want to enable any kind of scenario where people can start building that trust, you have to give them the tools to do so.

Then let me rephrase that for you a little, yeah? I suggest to go fix those bugs and avoid immersion braking suggestions. Is it better? Is just a suggestion. Everyone is free to make suggestions, and that is my suggestion.

Now, on your little encounter, obviously you didn't want to kill them because you had your doubts. You had a conflict deciding whether you should have killed them or not. Your instincts told you to hold up. You did, and they turned out to be friendly. What if a system like the one suggested on this thread would have been implemented long time ago? You would have gone directly and be friends with them, or at least I assume. What's the point? I mean come on. It's not a game about knowing who is good or bad. Have you read the main page of DayZ Mod? It says by the bottom, "This is Day Z. This is your Story." What do you make up of that? Having helpful HUD elements telling you stuff like that, or figuring out on your own?

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fantastic idea, i think this would especially help situations in which multiple friends/allies are engaging hostiles. I often find myself having to constantly check in with teammates to verify their position so i don't accidentally shoot them, instead of a hostile. However, realistically, we would be able to tell the difference between a friend we've seen for long periods of time and an unknown survivor, so a tagging system would definitely help differentiate between characters since they all have similar models

I like the idea that you present about checking with teammates to know who is who. But for that, a tagging system wouldn't work quite well with the Day Z model. What do you think about a more simple feature like customization at the start menu where you could choose different clothes, accessories or anything? Always optional, nothing forced by the players' actions or option settings (for example: Show player humanity orientation [Enable/Disable] and then see the players tagged as "Bandit" or "Friendly").

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Of course, on character creation you'd have to make it impossible to ever change your name or your character skin once you've created. Otherwise, again, the same exact loophole we have right now would allow players to easily get around any tagging system they're voluntarily participating in.

Does make me wonder why there's so much effort going into protecting banditry though. The way it currently works is less realistic than putting a scarf around peoples' heads.

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Of course, on character creation you'd have to make it impossible to ever change your name or your character skin once you've created. Otherwise, again, the same exact loophole we have right now would allow players to easily get around any tagging system they're voluntarily participating in.

Does make me wonder why there's so much effort going into protecting banditry though. The way it currently works is less realistic than putting a scarf around peoples' heads.

Does it makes it more realistic not being able to disguise yourself (taking off the headscarf) to deceit the enemy? Next time I see a person with headscarf I'll assume is a bandit and will shoot that person on sight. That would make me a bandit as well. Or you rather I just stay away and start fearing people with headscarves so I don't become bandit myself? Give me an idea on how to deal with people with headscarf, please.

We all have killed someone in DayZ which makes us bandits. Didn't you know that DayZ is a FFA? Are you afraid of PvP? Doesn't matter if it's friendly or bandit, still is PvP on a FFA game.

So many people whining, wanting a feature that can help them identify who is friendly and who is bandit. Wanting to avoid PvP. So afraid of dying and losing all their gears... Don't attach yourself to gears, you'll suffer every time you lose them.

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