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10Lives (DayZ)

Game crashes on spawn (Char reset maybe?)

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*Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam, I bought Combined Operations then PMC and BAF.

*Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Beta 9444 or whatever

*Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Six Updater

*What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Below

*Your PC specs: GTX 560 Ti, Intel i5 2500k, rest should be irrelevant.

*Your Operating System: Win7 64 bit

*Have you looked at these threads?: Couldn't find with my problem

This seems to be with DayZ only, I tried to go into the editor, and it did not crash me on spawn. I reinstalled DayZ and I am using the current beta version on a current beta server.

Story: We were looting in NW airfield when a guy spawned in the barracks behind us when me and another squad mate got shot down. I respawned in Elektro and ran to the supermarket to grab a map. I am now located across the street from the supermarket and every time I spawn, my game crashes. I cannot access the escape menu to respawn fast enough to avoid the glitch. Once I spawn it kicks me to the desktop saying that the game crashed. Edit: but around this time I had another computer connect to DayZ on another server. While the other computer is no longer online, my character is still f**ked.

I need a database admin or dev to reset my character so I can play once more, or have someone tell me a fix to this glitch.

Any help helps, thanks.

Bump, I could use this fixed ASAP

Could this be possible to having two computers playing DayZ? (Two different CD KEYS and computers)

Restored my computer back to a few days ago, no different results.

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Other computer is no longer playing, I will post my last lines of arma2oa.rpt from login to crash.

I was about to post this when I realized it was too long, I will upload it as an attachment, it's a .txt so don't be worried about any viruses. If needed, I can post it here, but it will make the forum page 289371237218731827321873 scrolls down to the next post.

Edit: I'm going to redownload ArmA2: CO and BAF and PMC again throught the night, I will try to reinstall everything before installing DayZ, wish me luck!

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