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Inventory, Gates, Tents and Drunken people with Rifles.


1. There needs to be an option to tap Y to send inventory on your character to a (maybe pre-chosen) tent or other container. The current option of holding A and pressing bumpers and triggers combined with lag just made emptying my backpack into a tent takeup all of the time I had set aside to game last night.

2. I have been trying to make a working locked gate for three days now. When does it tell you your code? I place the lock onto the gate and it has a pre-chosen number but then no matter what I do my teammates walk up and pull the lock off the gate. A link to a crafting tutorial that isn't a kid looting Cherno while he talks about himself for 88% of the video would nice.

3. We all get that the old tower bases and based barns with heli pads of Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch took away from the realism of gameplay. I just spent an hour and a half walking around the woods trying to place a tent in the woods on fairly level ground. It wouldn't let me place it in an open field that was pretty flat either but then I have two other tents you have to crawl into because the only place they could be built was halfway into the ground. Can you lighten up on the placement rules without the craziness of "place anywhere" building? 

4. I get gun sway but...wow. Is everyone sea sick in Chernaurus? Maybe add some Dramamine (or generic brand motion sickness pills) into the game or tone down the gun sway. The Xbox controllers are not as precise as the mouse and the tiny movements it takes to fight the gunsway aren't available to players with adult sized hands or brand new xbox controllers that have stiff stick movement.

Base locks, tents, and inventory first though. Right now the game doesn't lend itself to Team co-op. The best you can do is Team up for fire fights and wait two hours for your buddy to get back from the coast. There's currently not much advantage to centralizing your gameplay around a base thats made of toilet paper and tents that take hours to get inventory in or out of. My whole teamhas started just duping guns to go fight on the airfield and thats pretty much Call of Duty with thirst and hunger.

P.S. A macro to switch between party chat and in-game chat faster? I've been killed by and had to kill people who were just in party chat and couldn't use one of the core features that FrankieonPCin1080 used to bring so many players to our community.

-Rick Wooton

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