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Won't launch as CO

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I try to launch the game as Combined Operations through Steam and it will not launch. It quickly brings up what looks like a command prompt and closes out. I have ArmA 2 Free and OA on Steam. I launch it as OA, and it brings up the server list, and I can't join because downloaded content has been deleted.cheneraus (spelling w/e). Any help would be insanely appreciated

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Have you run both Arma II and OA seperately first? You need to do this before you run as combined operations. Otherwise I would uninstall and reinstall, I had to do this once.

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I did run both. And I don't have the time to uninstall and re-install because I've already done that about a million freaking times. Never in my life have I had to jump through so many freaking hoops to get a mod to work.

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