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It's true enough you shouldn't log out in stupid locations, but I had to rush out earlier when playing. I came back hopping in near the airfield but not actually in it, I got as far away as time allowed, before the black screen even dissipated I heard a couple shots then about 20 seconds later "YOU ARE DEAD" popped up... I think the last thing that should load for your game should be you so others can't see you logging in until it's a fair chance of fighting, at least while 97% of people are KoS.

I'm not going to lie, I was Day 6 on my character, I had some good equipment and I'm so happy to be starting again because I had too much and it was simple to survive but it annoyed me I died before starting to play again.

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I opened a gate and it pushed me backwards and crushed me into a derelict car, shock, fracture, bleed, broken leg. Yeah, that didn't end so well. Made me laugh though!

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I log out in middle of woods. Next time I log in, I was in the middle of some road in some town. 2 seconds later I got shot. It was interesting.

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Well as of right now i have been item hopping in the barracks.

I have gone to about 40 servers' date=' looted what i wanted and then switched, only once have i ever ran into people, they were just coming into the barracks, i took out my silenced pistol and killed 3 of 4 of them, the last one i had shot at least 6 times but he shot me, a zed took him out, after i had finished blacking out i bandaged myself shot the zed, and looted nothing of interest off them.

Altho thinking back i once logged in under the stairs at Belota airfield, and a guy shot me before i could even finish logging in, he was camping under the stairs for people, and i spawned on top of him, kind of gay if you ask me im with the OP


weak...so weak. u not feel like a loser when u kill sum1 with ur loot hopped weapons? any1 can do that, u might have well hacked them in.

1 day there will be a satchel charge waiting for u.....mark my words.

if u log off or on in stupid locations u should expect to die many many many times. simple

Are you refering to this video?

Server hoppers <3 barracks, I <3 satchels

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