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Do you want to join a small group ?

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We ae currently 3 guys playing in a small survivor group and we would like more nice company:) We use TS3 wich is free for all to join the ip is

We are just having fun killing zombies and defending our selves :) we are arround 20 years old.

Cya in TS :)

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That's what I've been looking for. Me and my roommate have been wanting to find a little group to join. Mind you we both recently died so we're both near Chernogorsk now with no equipment, is that okay?

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That's what I've been looking for. Me and my roommate have been wanting to find a little group to join. Mind you we both recently died so we're both near Chernogorsk now with no equipment' date=' is that okay?


Totally! :) Just join the TS and play with us we are like 5 now

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hey i would love to join your group. im new to the game and could use some experience from newer players if thats not an issue. what server are you guys on?

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count me in!

I recently died and all I have is a flashlight and a bandage, since we no longer respawn with the makarov

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Join the team speak 3 server and we will talk about it :)

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