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Domenico Corfeo

Battleye: Client not responding (being kicked from all servers)

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When joining almost all community servers, I get kicked immediately after joining with "Battleye, Client not responding".

This has now cost me 3 hours of my life to try and figure out. Here is what i tried to fix the issue, none of it is working

- Reinstalled Dayz

- "Verify integrity of game files"

- Delete Battleye folder in Program Files and DayZ/Battleye, "Verify integrity of game files" to reaquire

- Update router and reset to defaults (Fritzbox)

- Check internet speed (100 mbit up and down) and server ping (10ms)

- Check if i have any software installed that messes with network stuff (i have not)

- Uninstall / Reinstall Battleye using the bat-files provided in the DayZ/BattlEye directory

- Give Windows Firewall exclusions for any BattlEye executable I could find

- Turn off Windows Firewall entirely

Any help or advice would be appreciated

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