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Loving 1.0!

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Loving 1.0! Had a blast with an old friend yesterday, must have played 7 hours straight. Got a vehicle repaired and going, just had a blast all day/night.

Keep up the good work! Really enjoying night time now to with the redish head torch at night so I can use my axe or gun while seeing where to go :)

Other than the fps issues the first bit yesterday its been a great experience! I was honestly expecting more issues. I look forward to new content, mods and fixes in the new year, until then though go get some rest devs, you did well! Still a good amount of work to go, but its a great base for the devs and modders to work on now. As someone who played 1000+ hours of the mod and 600 hours of the early dayz standalone, I am having a real blast on DayZ again, most fun since the dayZ mod, except things run at a much higher fps now for me :)

Here are a few pics of my adventures yesterday with my buddy!




Edited by kozzy420

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