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Sprint / Hold breath when aim in only 1 command

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Devs, can you make possible to assign same key to sprint and hold breath when aim? (like other game I know, normally is set LSHIFT to perform both actions run and hold breath). Right now they are separate commands row in keybindgs list, and it's not possible to set same key fot both actions (hold breath is associated to "walk" so if I rebind LSHIFT I can hold breath with LSHIFT when aim yes, but if I press LSHIFT when not in ads I walk, and not run). So can you group those 2 actions in same row and then in the same key? At least make two separate commands "Walk" and "Hold breath" (making possible to use same for sprint), so using same key for holding breath don't cause walking when you are not in ads. In case I'm doing an error setting keybinds, can someone help me to set LSHIFT for both actions? (If it's possible, for me at the moment no, it's not possible you have to use another key to hold breath, the default one is LCTRL)

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