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Map Edits

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So are there currently any ways to add ingame assets to the map? adding a couple of buildings without players being able to run through them?

I just want to be able to add walls, fences, huts/sheds/houses to a couple of locations and get it to work on a server for friends without them being able to run right through the items, if anyone knows a way to get this working i will happily spend hours making locations for your own servers :)

Edited by Dongleberry

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- скачайте https://yadi.sk/d/MEV0N3Qdy_Mgag

- введите в строку запуска -mission=.\Missions\DayZCommunityOfflineMode.ChernarusPlus -scrAllowFileWrite -nosplash -noPause -noBenchmark -scriptDebug=true -filePatching

- войдите и поставьте здания на карту, нажмите "экспорт"

- вставить (cntl+V) в notepad++  Выглядит это так: GetGame().CreateObject("Land_Container_1Moh", "446.953156 422.951996 11226.987305").SetOrientation("132.000000 0.000000 0.000000");

- открываем файл init.c (Server\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\init.c), находим void main() {…., опускаемся ниже до строчки weather.SetWindFunctionParams(0.1, 0.3, 50); После нее прописываем Object obj; GetGame().CreateObject("Land_City_Stand_FastFood", "8157.828613 475.809326 9090.811523").SetOrientation("-115.000000 0.000000 0.000000");

- открываем mapgrouppos.xml и вписываем <group name="Land_City_Stand_FastFood" pos="8157.828613 475.809326 9090.811523" rpy="0.000000 0.000000 -115.000000" a="-110.838165" />

обращаю внимание: rpy надо написать зеркально

SetOrientation("-115.000000 0.000000 0.000000");

rpy="0.000000 0.000000 -115.000000"

a="-110.838165" берем с аналогичного объекта в файле mapgrouppos.xml


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You need the old com editor the new version is crap and causes these issues

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@ACTPA I have no idea what any of that means but it looks like what i did with the init.c files already :( 

@ Sy8282 I downloaded COM a month or so ago from github, is that the version that does not work? and if there is a version that does work on online servers that is exactly what i am looking for, would you know where i can get it?

Everything i copy/pasted over from my version of COM you are able to pas through on a server but it is solid on the offlinetool

Edited by Dongleberry

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I'll have a look tomorrow as i think i have a link to a zip of the working version, as it was about a month ago it changed to the newer version what does your export code look like is it 3 lines per building?

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Yes it is 3 lines for each building/structure and i would be over the moon if i could get a working version :)

Thank you so much!

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On 12/16/2018 at 3:54 PM, Dongleberry said:

Yes it is 3 lines for each building/structure and i would be over the moon if i could get a working version :)

Thank you so much!

Sorry dude forgot all about it I'll get that Link tonight

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