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My thought's to

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So with the upcoming and imminent release of DayZ 1.0 everyone is concerned about the game and if it will get the love it so desperately needs. The issues we have had in the past my simply persist over to the new build but here's something we need to start doing, and I implore you all to think on this before we move into 2019.


The game has been out for (give or take) 5 years. We all love the game, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here on this forum waiting for something to either happen, or explode. Stop with the posts about "Oh my God, the sky is falling!", and try to turn over a new life. If you don't LIKE the way that this game is currently going then may I strongly suggest you STOP PLAYING IT. Seriously, the constant tears of people who are butt hurt because they spent 30 U.S.D on an alpha game and then it didn't turn out the way they wanted has come to a breaking point on these servers. Am I angry? Yes, I am, but I won't be making post after post after post spouting toxic nonsense and "The sky is falling!" threads day after day just to tell the world that I am mad. This forum has become the proverbial child in a grocery store who is screaming because he/she did not get the candy at the checkout counter and their lives are ruined.

If 30 U.S.D was that much of a break point for your finances then maybe DayZ being unplayable isn't the thing you should be focusing on. If the game isn't living up to your expectations, then... Maybe, JUST MAYBE, go find one that is! Unless you're playing in North Korea, then nobody is forcing you to play a video game that you don't enjoy. You can, and probably should go find another title, because if the past 5 years of development haven't showed you where this train is going, then i'm sorry nothing will. Take a step back, figure out what you're so angry about and instead of crying non-stop learn WHY developers post early access games, alpha and beta access games to Steam. This game was an EARLY ACCESS ALPHA for five years, then it moved to beta, now we're coming to release, figure that part out and you'll be well on your way to enjoying this game.

Edited 36 minutes ago by tandwan



Well said my friend I just can't wait till my client side has updated so I can enjoy the fun and frustrations of playing/surviving this game in the beta. Every time that bohemia released a major new patch and everything was reset made the game more interesting to see what the dev's had changed and how to survive it. It cost me my grocery money $45.00 for this game But it's not every week that I have to purchase the game thank god for that!! Also for anyone reading this post the recommend game spec's have changed for this title please check the Dayz store page for details.

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