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super pretendo

When you spawn, surviving against zombies consists of abort spamming

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I think spawning weaponless is a good idea, but the comically low spawn rate of weapons is nothing short of ludicrous. Especially since zombies have super senses

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Sorry but that's just not true. You won't find any good sidearm except a hatchet, true, but once you find a hatchet you're supposed to head north for good gear.. I mean, really, 7% chance for any Shotgun / Enfield (In barns or factory-like buildings that is) is good enough. If you can't even be bothered to be patient and feel like running through the middle of Cherno just to get to a possible loot location faster ,this may not be the game for you.

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respawn untill you hit either cherno or elektro, leg it for pillage, if phat loot, cool story bro, if not, pull a train on someone camping the hills nearby.

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respawn untill you hit either cherno or elektro' date=' leg it for pillage, if phat loot, cool story bro, if not, pull a train on someone camping the hills nearby.


Worst. Advice. Ever.

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Zombies? Super senses? I can go all day and not have a single one spot me :S Just crawl. If you really want a gun so badly then go to a military camp as soon as you spawn... otherwise just get a hatchet, they're literally everywhere.

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