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HoodratGaming is online!

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Hi everybody!  

After several evenings of customizing and testing, I'm very happy to announce the HoodratGaming DayZ server is now online!

We have created several new zombie spawn locations with increased numbers.  We are not running any client side mods, allowing everybody to join without installing anything extra.  With our increased zombie spawn locations, you very possibly will turn a corner to find yourself facing a large pack of angry zombies while exploring a city.  

Some of our customization include:

  • Increased zombies in all cities, military areas and villages 
  • Added random roaming zombies in the woods and along the roads
  • All zombie spawn locations are randomized.  This allows for unique experiences with multiple visits to the same location.  Sometimes a location will be full of zombies, at other times it may have very few.  
  • A random chance for some very basic starting gear added to your character when you respawn (a can of pipsi, maybe some matches, nothing OP)
  • Random clothing (all civilian clothes)
  • Short nights!  The time will change just after sunset, resetting to sunrise.  This allows for a great transition from day to night, without becoming "dayz dark".
  • Regular (automated) backups to restore persistence if the need ever arises (our persistence data has not been lost due to crashes yet, but we're prepared if it does)
  • Decreased spawn radius to increase server performance.  I feel like we have a very nice blend of zombies and spawning distance, which keeps server fps up with lots of zombies (more players needed for further testing!)


Server Information:

  • Server location: Florida
  • Server IP:
  • Search for "Hoodrat" in the server browser


I would like to invite everybody to stop by and check out the server.  All feedback is appreciated.  Any updates to the server will be posted here, and be sure to watch for BEC messages in game for restart announcements.





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