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A song that fits dayz

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Yes the second post fits but the first one errrr.. no. I wasnt trying to have it fit in with the zombie theme but more of the whole people killing you and the paranoia you develop after a while.

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Paranoia you say?

Try crossing a foggy field with this running in the background

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This is such a powerful track. Emotions started flying as I heard it.

I remember the movie, it's worth a watch too.

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Ok so this doesn't really fit DayZ but one of my mates mentioned this when we were running to the NWAF from Cherno and ever since then it's all i can hear in my head when running somewhere, enjoy.

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This is such a powerful track. Emotions started flying as I heard it.

I remember the movie' date=' it's worth a watch too.


FUCK, this song just ruined a good nights sleep... The movie is really good. Everyone who likes zombies should watch it

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Try running through a foggy forest at night running away from zombies with this in the background.

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