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Multiplay Server

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I'm currently renting a server from Multiplay, but have been having issues with it for the past 2 days excluding the hive being down yesterday, but last night always getting dysnc, then server having to restart due to too much memory being used or too much cpu being used, i've contacted multiplay via the live chat, not very helpful if i do say and submitted 2 tickets which are currently being processed, anyone else having trouble with them at the moment?

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I'd suggest a PM too deeheem on here, (he has a account) and they can , I think, increase the clanforge memory restart trigger limit, I was told mine was increased to 1.6GB, it still restarts every now and then but not that often, every 5 or 6 hours.

Its good practice to restart every four or so anyway I think.

They're a good bunch and they will get you sorted.

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Cheers for the reply, just getting a bit frustrated with it now, just want to play the game :)

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We have been having exactly the same problems with our multiplay server for the past couple of days, it's all gone to hell in a handbasket.

Hopefully they should sort it out sharpish, they were pretty damn good when we have rented server from them in the past.

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Its good practice to restart every four or so anyway I think.

Depending on load and average FPS it is indeed a must to reboot every 4-8 hours to help performance. De-syncs will happen, but rebooting will keep it to a minimum (as well as the memory footprint).

I'm not sure how the restart "triggers" work with multiplay though as I don't use them.

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