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Active player looking for Active group of friend oriented players

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Hey everyone, Ive been desperately searching for a group of players to play DayZ with, the game isnt very interesting playing solo. I am in search of a small group of friend oriented players and not a bunch of randoms like I would be Tongue

I have a mic and am open to any type of voip, whether it be Teamspeak,Mumble,Ventrillo, or skype.

I was in a group before but it grew to large and was constantly of 8 players, which can be confusing and overwhelming at times especially when there are no names over their characters.

I am looking for a group of a max of 3-4 current players which would turn into a 4-5 players group if i joined with.

I dont mind if you Bandit/Anti Bandit/Survivor

I am typically on my computer on the times given below keep in mind im pacific time.

Sun: When I wake up and until 1:00AM latest.

Mon: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM

Tues: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM

Wed: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM

Thur: I am available to play at 3:00PM until 1:00AM

Fri: I am available to play at 3:00PM until I decide to get off

Sat: When I wake up from my beauty sleep and until i decide to get off

I HAVE STEAM: Search my steam name Tehbigjoe.


Joe aka,


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Click the link in my signature. Go to the forums. Sign up if you think you can hack it.

EDIT: I reread your post, and noticed that you prefer 4-5 players in a group. We have around 12 on at all times, but we work in smaller squads of three to four. Nothing too serious, just a general guideline for when we raid. I think you might learn a lot here, and have a blast doing it.

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I haven't been playing DayZ for long, but playing as a Bandit is more entertaining. I wouldn't mind jumping in with a group.

Now, right now I've got nothing, last login glitched out and caused me to die, but I have NO problems playing the Bandit Medic in the group. I'm very support minded, very team oriented, but trying to learn from experienced players...kinda hard to do solo.

Basically, I'm smart, willing to learn, and willing to fill a role in a group.

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