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Col. Ben Sherman

Server connection failed

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Hi guys,

I recently set up a dayz server on my dedicated server box, it took me a while figuring out why I couldn't find it in the community tab but eventually, I found out that I was missing a port. Anyhow, I fixed it. But here is the problem, I am the only one for some reason that can join the server, every friend I've sent it to keeps getting "Connection failed" even though I'm on it, I even tried with no one being on it and them joining first still the same issue. What am I missing? To begin with, it's on a dedicated server box which is located in France so it's not even near me or on the same network, so I don't understand why I am the only one that can connect to it. I've been wracking my brain around this for 12 hours now and I can still not figure it out what I've missed.

Ports opened both (TCP/UDP) 2302 - 2307, 27015 - 27017



hostname = "Test Server";         // Server name
password = "";         // Password for connection to the server
passwordAdmin = "*******";         // Password to become server admin  
maxPlayers = 100;         // Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures = 2;         // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (use only 2)
forceSameBuild = 1;         // Server will allow connection only to clients with same exe revision as server when active (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0;         // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 7;    // Voice over network codec quality (values 0-30)

disable3rdPerson=0;         //turn on/off 3rd person view for players on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=0;         //turn on/off cross-hair on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
serverTime="SystemTime";         // Server Start Time         // Initial ingame time of server. "SystemTime" means local time of machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=4;         // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)        // This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case time would move 24 times faster than normal, an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverTimePersistent=1;         // Persistent Time (value 0-1)        // Actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, next server start will use saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1;         // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1) 
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5;         // Number of players concurrently processed during login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting in the same time.   
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500;         // Maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
respawnTime = 5;            // Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server when the previous one is dead
motd[] = {"welcome to the server","no cheaters allowed"}; // Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motdInterval = 1;           // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
maxPing= 200;               // Max ping value until server kick the user (value in milliseconds)
timeStampFormat = "Short";  // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
logAverageFps = 60;          // Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have -dologs launch parameter active
logMemory = 60;              // Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logPlayers = 60;             // Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logFile = "server_console.log";// Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs
enableDebugMonitor = 0;     //shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1)

instanceId = 1;         // DayZ server instance id to identify number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
lootHistory = 1;         // how many persistence history files should been kept by instance, number is looped over during save
storeHouseStateDisabled = false;          // Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storageAutoFix = 1;         // Checks if persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)
class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus";        //used mission         //first part is mission name, second part is used map



Server RPT


== C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\DayZServer_x64.exe
== "C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\DayZServer_x64.exe" -ip= -port=2302 "-config=serverdz.cfg" "-bepath=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\Battleye" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\instance" "-autoinit" -noFilePatching 
Exe timestamp: 2018/11/21 23:02:49
Current time:  2018/11/22 01:42:54

Version 0.63.149464
 1:42:54 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "dz/data/inputsdefault/core.xml"
 1:42:54 [Inputs] Exporting inputs cfg "C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\instance\Users\Survivor\Server.core.xml"
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 
 1:43:04 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults, 0 updaters...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgignorelist.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 227 prototypes
 1:43:04   488 containers, 7137 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
 1:43:04   0 containers, 0 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11602 groups, largest group range: 34.2
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml)
 1:43:05 [CE][Links] found 1852 total links between groups, of 11602
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17207 instances
 1:43:07 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'food' was not found.
 1:43:07 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'tools' was not found.
 1:43:07 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 368 classes setuped...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2580 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 33 dynamic events 205 total types 0 total positions.
 1:43:07 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\messages.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: File 'db/messages.xml' not found.
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Empty storage folder, reinitializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "Morphine"
 1:43:08 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 6926.961426, 11363.249023 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:08 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "DisinfectantAlcohol"
 1:43:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10168.661133, 12078.206055 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:09 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "SalineBag"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "Ssh68Helmet"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "Sweater_Green"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "PainkillerTablets"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "ParamedicJacket_Crimson"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12201.384766, 7239.983887 from Land_Shed_M1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8275.803711, 2465.145996 from Land_Boat_Small1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8274.852539, 2462.914551 from Land_Boat_Small2
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10167.707031, 12078.453125 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:24360, Nominal:24394, Total in Map: 24395 at 4 (sec)
 1:43:12   tests:25191, repeats:168 fails:663, overtime:45
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 1
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 2
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 5
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 6
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 7
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 8
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 9
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 10
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 11
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 12
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][DynEvent] :: 33 types
 1:43:12 [00] AmbientHen
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [01] AnimalCow
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [02] AnimalDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [03] AnimalGoat
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [04] AnimalPig
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [05] AnimalRoeDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [06] AnimalSheep
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [07] AnimalWildBoar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [08] AnimalWolf
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [09] InfectedArmy
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [10] InfectedCity
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [11] InfectedFirefighter
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [12] InfectedIndustrial
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [13] InfectedMedic
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [14] InfectedPolice
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [15] InfectedPrisoner
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [16] InfectedReligious
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [17] InfectedSolitude
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [18] InfectedVillage
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [19] ItemPlanks
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [20] Loot
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
 1:43:12 [21] StaticHeliCrash
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [22] StaticPoliceCar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [23] TrajectoryApple
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [24] TrajectoryCanina
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [25] TrajectoryConiferous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [26] TrajectoryDeciduous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [27] TrajectoryHumus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [28] TrajectoryPear
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [29] TrajectoryPlum
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [30] TrajectorySambucus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [31] TrajectoryStones
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [32] VehicleOffroadHatchback
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
 1:43:12 Player connect enabled
 1:43:56 Average server FPS: 1222.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:43:56 Used memory: 1539308 KB
 1:43:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:44:01 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 13
 1:44:01 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:44:56 Average server FPS: 1312.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:44:56 Used memory: 1570168 KB
 1:44:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:45:56 Average server FPS: 1007.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:45:56 Used memory: 1600795 KB
 1:45:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:46:56 Average server FPS: 1234.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:46:56 Used memory: 1518936 KB
 1:46:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:47:56 Average server FPS: 1308.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:47:56 Used memory: 1518701 KB
 1:47:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:48:56 Average server FPS: 1270.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:48:56 Used memory: 1518710 KB
 1:48:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:49:04 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (2078547433) to login queue at position 1
 1:49:04 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (2078547433)
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering PreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering WaitPreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetCharacterLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState
 1:49:06 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawnpoints_players.bin" does not exist...
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:33 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetNewCharLoginState
 1:49:36 <CREATE NEW CHAR>:
    charID 1
    playerID 1
    dpnid 2078547433
    uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=
 1:49:56 Average server FPS: 1164.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:49:56 Used memory: 1542389 KB
 1:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:50:56 Average server FPS: 1113.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:50:56 Used memory: 1546727 KB
 1:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:51:56 Average server FPS: 1121.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:51:56 Used memory: 1546816 KB
 1:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:52:56 Average server FPS: 1111.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:52:56 Used memory: 1549342 KB
 1:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:53:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13373.059570, 6202.405762 from AppleTree1
 1:53:56 Average server FPS: 1102.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:53:56 Used memory: 1543845 KB
 1:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:54:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13317.357422, 6192.633301 from CaninaBush2
 1:54:56 Average server FPS: 1090.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:54:56 Used memory: 1543914 KB
 1:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:55:21 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:55:56 Average server FPS: 1099.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:55:56 Used memory: 1544581 KB
 1:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:56:18 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.380859, 6227.145996 from AppleTree1
 1:56:56 Average server FPS: 1112.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:56:56 Used memory: 1544652 KB
 1:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:57:16 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:57:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:57:56 Used memory: 1544476 KB
 1:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:58:56 Average server FPS: 1051.92 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:58:56 Used memory: 1542073 KB
 1:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13403.995117, 6343.482910 from AppleTree1
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13328.419922, 6226.325684 from AppleTree1
 1:59:36 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 1:59:56 Average server FPS: 1111.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:59:56 Used memory: 1542906 KB
 1:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:00:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:00:56 Average server FPS: 1113.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:00:56 Used memory: 1543249 KB
 2:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:01:56 Average server FPS: 1120.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:01:56 Used memory: 1543325 KB
 2:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:02:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:02:56 Average server FPS: 1125.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:02:56 Used memory: 1543436 KB
 2:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:03:56 Average server FPS: 1133.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:03:56 Used memory: 1543447 KB
 2:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13378.053711, 6348.522461 from AppleTree1
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:04:56 Average server FPS: 1119.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:04:56 Used memory: 1543534 KB
 2:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:05:56 Average server FPS: 1101.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:05:56 Used memory: 1542722 KB
 2:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:06:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:06:56 Average server FPS: 1097.66 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:06:56 Used memory: 1542831 KB
 2:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:07:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13388.512695, 6338.388184 from AppleTree1
 2:07:56 Average server FPS: 1093.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:07:56 Used memory: 1545374 KB
 2:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:08:56 Average server FPS: 1072.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:08:56 Used memory: 1546235 KB
 2:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:09:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13341.577148, 6329.751465 from AppleTree1
 2:09:56 Average server FPS: 1109.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:09:56 Used memory: 1547185 KB
 2:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:10:49 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:10:56 Average server FPS: 1082.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:10:56 Used memory: 1547672 KB
 2:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:11:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:11:56 Average server FPS: 1107.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:11:56 Used memory: 1548419 KB
 2:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:12:56 Average server FPS: 1080.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:12:56 Used memory: 1549419 KB
 2:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:13:56 Average server FPS: 1064.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:13:56 Used memory: 1552650 KB
 2:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:14:56 Average server FPS: 1083.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:14:56 Used memory: 1549542 KB
 2:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:15:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12593.497070, 8669.706055 from Haybale
 2:15:56 Average server FPS: 1091.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:15:56 Used memory: 1548206 KB
 2:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:16:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12199.577148, 9393.617188 from AppleTree1
 2:16:56 Average server FPS: 1081.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:16:56 Used memory: 1552273 KB
 2:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:17:56 Average server FPS: 1073.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:17:56 Used memory: 1557128 KB
 2:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:18:56 Average server FPS: 1060.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:18:56 Used memory: 1568695 KB
 2:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:19:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:19:56 Used memory: 1552152 KB
 2:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:20:56 Average server FPS: 1081.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:20:56 Used memory: 1557930 KB
 2:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10369.752930, 9287.580078 from PearTree1
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10368.670898, 9288.593750 from PearTree1
 2:21:56 Average server FPS: 1084.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:21:56 Used memory: 1560297 KB
 2:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:22:56 Average server FPS: 1057.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:22:56 Used memory: 1557517 KB
 2:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:23:56 Average server FPS: 1060.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:23:56 Used memory: 1556091 KB
 2:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:24:24 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8668.729492, 8808.630859 from QuercusRobur_stump
 2:24:56 Average server FPS: 1060.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:24:56 Used memory: 1561254 KB
 2:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:25:56 Average server FPS: 1064.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:25:56 Used memory: 1550602 KB
 2:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 14
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 15
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 15
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 16
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 17
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 18
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 19
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 20
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 21
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 22
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 23
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 24
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 25
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 26
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:56 Average server FPS: 1050.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:26:56 Used memory: 1553384 KB
 2:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:27:56 Average server FPS: 1075.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:27:56 Used memory: 1560251 KB
 2:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:28:56 Average server FPS: 1081.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:28:56 Used memory: 1556540 KB
 2:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:29:56 Average server FPS: 1109.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:29:56 Used memory: 1552565 KB
 2:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:30:56 Average server FPS: 1145.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:30:56 Used memory: 1551328 KB
 2:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:31:56 Average server FPS: 1163.12 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:31:56 Used memory: 1552156 KB
 2:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:32:56 Average server FPS: 1169.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:32:56 Used memory: 1552952 KB
 2:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:33:56 Average server FPS: 1140.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:33:56 Used memory: 1551998 KB
 2:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:34:56 Average server FPS: 1151.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:34:56 Used memory: 1550841 KB
 2:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:35:56 Average server FPS: 1148.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:35:56 Used memory: 1551907 KB
 2:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:36:56 Average server FPS: 1165.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:36:56 Used memory: 1551192 KB
 2:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:37:56 Average server FPS: 1158.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:37:56 Used memory: 1550231 KB
 2:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:38:56 Average server FPS: 1145.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:38:56 Used memory: 1550428 KB
 2:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:39:56 Average server FPS: 1136.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:39:56 Used memory: 1552381 KB
 2:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:40:56 Average server FPS: 1149.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:40:56 Used memory: 1549597 KB
 2:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:41:56 Average server FPS: 1168.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:41:56 Used memory: 1548472 KB
 2:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:42:56 Average server FPS: 1128.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:42:56 Used memory: 1549229 KB
 2:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:43:56 Average server FPS: 1177.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:43:56 Used memory: 1548653 KB
 2:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:44:56 Average server FPS: 1198.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:44:56 Used memory: 1549562 KB
 2:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:45:56 Average server FPS: 1190.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:45:56 Used memory: 1548679 KB
 2:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:46:56 Average server FPS: 1192.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:46:56 Used memory: 1549172 KB
 2:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:47:56 Average server FPS: 1172.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:47:56 Used memory: 1550282 KB
 2:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:48:56 Average server FPS: 1158.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:48:56 Used memory: 1549537 KB
 2:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:49:56 Average server FPS: 1169.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:49:56 Used memory: 1549311 KB
 2:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:50:56 Average server FPS: 1149.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:50:56 Used memory: 1548831 KB
 2:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:51:56 Average server FPS: 1162.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:51:56 Used memory: 1549321 KB
 2:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:52:56 Average server FPS: 1166.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:52:56 Used memory: 1549788 KB
 2:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:53:56 Average server FPS: 1165.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:53:56 Used memory: 1548837 KB
 2:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:54:56 Average server FPS: 1153.80 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:54:56 Used memory: 1548522 KB
 2:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:55:56 Average server FPS: 1149.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:55:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 2:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:56:56 Average server FPS: 1136.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:56:56 Used memory: 1549902 KB
 2:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:57:56 Average server FPS: 1205.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:57:56 Used memory: 1550960 KB
 2:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:58:56 Average server FPS: 1233.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:58:56 Used memory: 1551092 KB
 2:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:59:56 Average server FPS: 1219.45 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:59:56 Used memory: 1552342 KB
 2:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:00:56 Average server FPS: 1191.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:00:56 Used memory: 1558491 KB
 3:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:01:26 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:01:56 Average server FPS: 1188.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:01:56 Used memory: 1556740 KB
 3:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:02:56 Average server FPS: 1180.83 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:02:56 Used memory: 1554576 KB
 3:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:03:56 Average server FPS: 1183.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:03:56 Used memory: 1554659 KB
 3:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:04:56 Average server FPS: 1181.43 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:04:56 Used memory: 1555109 KB
 3:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:05:56 Average server FPS: 1162.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:05:56 Used memory: 1556395 KB
 3:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:06:56 Average server FPS: 1149.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:06:56 Used memory: 1557178 KB
 3:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:07:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:07:56 Average server FPS: 1157.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:07:56 Used memory: 1554258 KB
 3:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 27
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 11
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 28
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 29
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 30
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 31
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 32
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 33
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 34
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 35
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 36
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 37
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 38
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 39
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:56 Average server FPS: 1116.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:08:56 Used memory: 1573610 KB
 3:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:09:56 Average server FPS: 1150.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:09:56 Used memory: 1554480 KB
 3:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:10:47 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4543.088867, 9590.140625 from PearTree2
 3:10:56 Average server FPS: 1153.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:10:56 Used memory: 1553998 KB
 3:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:11:56 Average server FPS: 1167.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:11:56 Used memory: 1554209 KB
 3:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:12:56 Average server FPS: 1178.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:12:56 Used memory: 1553365 KB
 3:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:13:56 Average server FPS: 1197.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:13:56 Used memory: 1553278 KB
 3:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:14:56 Average server FPS: 1199.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:14:56 Used memory: 1553493 KB
 3:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:15:56 Average server FPS: 1193.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:15:56 Used memory: 1553179 KB
 3:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:16:56 Average server FPS: 1205.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:16:56 Used memory: 1552573 KB
 3:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:17:56 Average server FPS: 1211.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:17:56 Used memory: 1552341 KB
 3:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:18:56 Average server FPS: 1171.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:18:56 Used memory: 1554083 KB
 3:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:19:56 Average server FPS: 1154.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:19:56 Used memory: 1553889 KB
 3:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:20:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:20:56 Average server FPS: 1131.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:20:56 Used memory: 1555711 KB
 3:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:21:56 Average server FPS: 1129.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:21:56 Used memory: 1554724 KB
 3:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:22:56 Average server FPS: 1118.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:22:56 Used memory: 1556069 KB
 3:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:23:56 Average server FPS: 1118.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:23:56 Used memory: 1555186 KB
 3:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:24:56 Average server FPS: 1132.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:24:56 Used memory: 1555470 KB
 3:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:25:56 Average server FPS: 1140.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:25:56 Used memory: 1555481 KB
 3:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:26:56 Average server FPS: 1162.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:26:56 Used memory: 1554046 KB
 3:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:27:56 Average server FPS: 1116.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:27:56 Used memory: 1552327 KB
 3:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:28:56 Average server FPS: 1108.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:28:56 Used memory: 1551913 KB
 3:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:29:56 Average server FPS: 1135.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:29:56 Used memory: 1553706 KB
 3:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:30:56 Average server FPS: 1133.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:30:56 Used memory: 1553116 KB
 3:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:31:56 Average server FPS: 1174.98 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:31:56 Used memory: 1553167 KB
 3:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:32:56 Average server FPS: 1167.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:32:56 Used memory: 1550635 KB
 3:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:33:56 Average server FPS: 1168.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:33:56 Used memory: 1550859 KB
 3:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:34:56 Average server FPS: 1185.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:34:56 Used memory: 1550298 KB
 3:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:35:56 Average server FPS: 1187.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:35:56 Used memory: 1551084 KB
 3:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:56 Average server FPS: 1203.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:36:56 Used memory: 1550360 KB
 3:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 11519.519531, 14102.523438 from Land_Misc_TrailRoof_Small
 3:37:56 Average server FPS: 1194.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:37:56 Used memory: 1550565 KB
 3:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:38:56 Average server FPS: 1174.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:38:56 Used memory: 1550590 KB
 3:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:39:56 Average server FPS: 1192.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:39:56 Used memory: 1550159 KB
 3:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:40:56 Average server FPS: 1204.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:40:56 Used memory: 1548490 KB
 3:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:41:56 Average server FPS: 1184.58 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:41:56 Used memory: 1549175 KB
 3:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:42:56 Average server FPS: 1169.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:42:56 Used memory: 1549265 KB
 3:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:43:56 Average server FPS: 1179.23 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:43:56 Used memory: 1548520 KB
 3:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:56 Average server FPS: 1169.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:44:56 Used memory: 1547175 KB
 3:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:57 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:45:56 Average server FPS: 1146.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:45:56 Used memory: 1551244 KB
 3:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:46:56 Average server FPS: 1158.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:46:56 Used memory: 1548025 KB
 3:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:47:56 Average server FPS: 1158.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:47:56 Used memory: 1545677 KB
 3:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:48:56 Average server FPS: 1146.32 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:48:56 Used memory: 1545158 KB
 3:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:49:56 Average server FPS: 1173.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:49:56 Used memory: 1544922 KB
 3:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 40
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 41
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 42
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 43
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 44
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 45
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 46
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 47
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 48
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 49
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 50
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 4 total links between groups, of 51
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 4 total links between groups, of 52
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:56 Average server FPS: 1142.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:50:56 Used memory: 1568018 KB
 3:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:51:56 Average server FPS: 1164.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:51:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 3:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:52:56 Average server FPS: 1164.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:52:56 Used memory: 1550820 KB
 3:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:53:56 Average server FPS: 1186.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:53:56 Used memory: 1546030 KB
 3:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:54:56 Average server FPS: 1200.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:54:56 Used memory: 1548447 KB
 3:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:55:56 Average server FPS: 1232.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:55:56 Used memory: 1550135 KB
 3:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:56:56 Average server FPS: 1282.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:56:56 Used memory: 1552738 KB
 3:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:57:56 Average server FPS: 1262.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:57:56 Used memory: 1551088 KB
 3:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:58:56 Average server FPS: 1213.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:58:56 Used memory: 1554355 KB
 3:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:59:56 Average server FPS: 1252.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:59:56 Used memory: 1552190 KB
 3:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:00:56 Average server FPS: 1258.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:00:56 Used memory: 1551514 KB
 4:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:01:56 Average server FPS: 1254.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:01:56 Used memory: 1551113 KB
 4:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:02:56 Average server FPS: 1249.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:02:56 Used memory: 1549679 KB
 4:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:03:56 Average server FPS: 1248.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:03:56 Used memory: 1551905 KB
 4:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:04:56 Average server FPS: 1177.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:04:56 Used memory: 1556979 KB
 4:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:05:56 Average server FPS: 1270.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:05:56 Used memory: 1551341 KB
 4:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:06:56 Average server FPS: 1354.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:06:56 Used memory: 1549797 KB
 4:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:07:56 Average server FPS: 1414.55 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:07:56 Used memory: 1551294 KB
 4:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:08:56 Average server FPS: 1375.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:08:56 Used memory: 1552929 KB
 4:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:09:56 Average server FPS: 1399.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:09:56 Used memory: 1553322 KB
 4:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:10:56 Average server FPS: 1413.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:10:56 Used memory: 1549932 KB
 4:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:11:56 Average server FPS: 1416.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:11:56 Used memory: 1549635 KB
 4:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:12:56 Average server FPS: 1433.67 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:12:56 Used memory: 1554368 KB
 4:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:13:56 Average server FPS: 1430.42 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:13:56 Used memory: 1553426 KB
 4:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:14:56 Average server FPS: 1453.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:14:56 Used memory: 1551232 KB



Server log


1:42:56 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)
 1:42:56 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(91ef3634,8766,2302,27016,3,0.63.149464)
 1:42:56 Host identity created.
 1:42:56 Roles assigned.
 1:42:56 Reading mission ...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 
 1:43:04 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults, 0 updaters...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgignorelist.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 227 prototypes
 1:43:04   488 containers, 7137 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
 1:43:04   0 containers, 0 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11602 groups, largest group range: 34.2
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml)
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17207 instances
 1:43:07 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 368 classes setuped...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2580 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 33 dynamic events 205 total types 0 total positions.
 1:43:07 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\messages.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Empty storage folder, reinitializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "Morphine"
 1:43:08 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 6926.961426, 11363.249023 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:08 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "DisinfectantAlcohol"
 1:43:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10168.661133, 12078.206055 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:09 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "SalineBag"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "Ssh68Helmet"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "Sweater_Green"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "PainkillerTablets"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "ParamedicJacket_Crimson"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12201.384766, 7239.983887 from Land_Shed_M1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8275.803711, 2465.145996 from Land_Boat_Small1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8274.852539, 2462.914551 from Land_Boat_Small2
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10167.707031, 12078.453125 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:24360, Nominal:24394, Total in Map: 24395 at 4 (sec)
 1:43:12   tests:25191, repeats:168 fails:663, overtime:45
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][DynEvent] :: 33 types
 1:43:12 [00] AmbientHen
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [01] AnimalCow
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [02] AnimalDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [03] AnimalGoat
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [04] AnimalPig
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [05] AnimalRoeDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [06] AnimalSheep
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [07] AnimalWildBoar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [08] AnimalWolf
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [09] InfectedArmy
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [10] InfectedCity
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [11] InfectedFirefighter
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [12] InfectedIndustrial
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [13] InfectedMedic
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [14] InfectedPolice
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [15] InfectedPrisoner
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [16] InfectedReligious
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [17] InfectedSolitude
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [18] InfectedVillage
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [19] ItemPlanks
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [20] Loot
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
 1:43:12 [21] StaticHeliCrash
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [22] StaticPoliceCar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [23] TrajectoryApple
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [24] TrajectoryCanina
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [25] TrajectoryConiferous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [26] TrajectoryDeciduous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [27] TrajectoryHumus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [28] TrajectoryPear
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [29] TrajectoryPlum
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [30] TrajectorySambucus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [31] TrajectoryStones
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [32] VehicleOffroadHatchback
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
 1:43:56 Average server FPS: 1222.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:43:56 Used memory: 1539308 KB
 1:43:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:44:01 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:44:56 Average server FPS: 1312.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:44:56 Used memory: 1570168 KB
 1:44:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:45:56 Average server FPS: 1007.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:45:56 Used memory: 1600795 KB
 1:45:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:46:56 Average server FPS: 1234.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:46:56 Used memory: 1518936 KB
 1:46:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:47:56 Average server FPS: 1308.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:47:56 Used memory: 1518701 KB
 1:47:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:48:56 Average server FPS: 1270.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:48:56 Used memory: 1518710 KB
 1:48:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:49:04 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (2078547433) to login queue at position 1
 1:49:04 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (2078547433)
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering PreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:04 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
 1:49:04 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 5c56d9c2c0acf19c04036b3897532d14
 1:49:04 Player Survivor connecting.
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering WaitPreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:05 Player Survivor connected (id=0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=).
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetCharacterLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState
 1:49:06 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawnpoints_players.bin" does not exist...
 1:49:06 Player Survivor dpid=2078547433 at pos (13495.8, 0.0, 6006.8) 
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:33 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetNewCharLoginState
 1:49:36 <CREATE NEW CHAR>:
    charID 1
    playerID 1
    dpnid 2078547433
    uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=
 1:49:52 Admin Survivor logged in.
 1:49:54 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 1:49:56 Average server FPS: 1164.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:49:56 Used memory: 1542389 KB
 1:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:50:17 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 1:50:56 Average server FPS: 1113.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:50:56 Used memory: 1546727 KB
 1:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:51:56 Average server FPS: 1121.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:51:56 Used memory: 1546816 KB
 1:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:52:56 Average server FPS: 1111.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:52:56 Used memory: 1549342 KB
 1:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:53:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13373.059570, 6202.405762 from AppleTree1
 1:53:56 Average server FPS: 1102.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:53:56 Used memory: 1543845 KB
 1:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:54:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13317.357422, 6192.633301 from CaninaBush2
 1:54:56 Average server FPS: 1090.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:54:56 Used memory: 1543914 KB
 1:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:55:21 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:55:56 Average server FPS: 1099.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:55:56 Used memory: 1544581 KB
 1:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:56:18 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.380859, 6227.145996 from AppleTree1
 1:56:56 Average server FPS: 1112.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:56:56 Used memory: 1544652 KB
 1:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:57:16 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:57:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:57:56 Used memory: 1544476 KB
 1:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:58:56 Average server FPS: 1051.92 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:58:56 Used memory: 1542073 KB
 1:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13403.995117, 6343.482910 from AppleTree1
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13328.419922, 6226.325684 from AppleTree1
 1:59:36 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 1:59:56 Average server FPS: 1111.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:59:56 Used memory: 1542906 KB
 1:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:00:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:00:56 Average server FPS: 1113.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:00:56 Used memory: 1543249 KB
 2:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:01:56 Average server FPS: 1120.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:01:56 Used memory: 1543325 KB
 2:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:02:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:02:56 Average server FPS: 1125.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:02:56 Used memory: 1543436 KB
 2:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:03:56 Average server FPS: 1133.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:03:56 Used memory: 1543447 KB
 2:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13378.053711, 6348.522461 from AppleTree1
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:04:56 Average server FPS: 1119.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:04:56 Used memory: 1543534 KB
 2:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:05:56 Average server FPS: 1101.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:05:56 Used memory: 1542722 KB
 2:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:06:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:06:56 Average server FPS: 1097.66 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:06:56 Used memory: 1542831 KB
 2:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:07:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13388.512695, 6338.388184 from AppleTree1
 2:07:56 Average server FPS: 1093.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:07:56 Used memory: 1545374 KB
 2:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:08:56 Average server FPS: 1072.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:08:56 Used memory: 1546235 KB
 2:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:09:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13341.577148, 6329.751465 from AppleTree1
 2:09:54 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /
 2:09:56 Average server FPS: 1109.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:09:56 Used memory: 1547185 KB
 2:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:10:49 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:10:56 Average server FPS: 1082.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:10:56 Used memory: 1547672 KB
 2:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:11:03 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /offroad
 2:11:18 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /refuel
 2:11:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:11:56 Average server FPS: 1107.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:11:56 Used memory: 1548419 KB
 2:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:12:56 Average server FPS: 1080.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:12:56 Used memory: 1549419 KB
 2:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:13:56 Average server FPS: 1064.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:13:56 Used memory: 1552650 KB
 2:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:14:56 Average server FPS: 1083.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:14:56 Used memory: 1549542 KB
 2:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:15:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12593.497070, 8669.706055 from Haybale
 2:15:56 Average server FPS: 1091.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:15:56 Used memory: 1548206 KB
 2:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:16:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12199.577148, 9393.617188 from AppleTree1
 2:16:56 Average server FPS: 1081.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:16:56 Used memory: 1552273 KB
 2:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:17:56 Average server FPS: 1073.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:17:56 Used memory: 1557128 KB
 2:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:18:56 Average server FPS: 1060.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:18:56 Used memory: 1568695 KB
 2:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:19:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:19:56 Used memory: 1552152 KB
 2:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:20:56 Average server FPS: 1081.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:20:56 Used memory: 1557930 KB
 2:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10369.752930, 9287.580078 from PearTree1
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10368.670898, 9288.593750 from PearTree1
 2:21:56 Average server FPS: 1084.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:21:56 Used memory: 1560297 KB
 2:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:22:56 Average server FPS: 1057.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:22:56 Used memory: 1557517 KB
 2:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:23:56 Average server FPS: 1060.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:23:56 Used memory: 1556091 KB
 2:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:24:24 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8668.729492, 8808.630859 from QuercusRobur_stump
 2:24:56 Average server FPS: 1060.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:24:56 Used memory: 1561254 KB
 2:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:25:56 Average server FPS: 1064.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:25:56 Used memory: 1550602 KB
 2:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 15
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:56 Average server FPS: 1050.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:26:56 Used memory: 1553384 KB
 2:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:27:56 Average server FPS: 1075.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:27:56 Used memory: 1560251 KB
 2:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:28:56 Average server FPS: 1081.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:28:56 Used memory: 1556540 KB
 2:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:29:56 Average server FPS: 1109.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:29:56 Used memory: 1552565 KB
 2:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:30:50 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 2:30:56 Average server FPS: 1145.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:30:56 Used memory: 1551328 KB
 2:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:31:56 Average server FPS: 1163.12 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:31:56 Used memory: 1552156 KB
 2:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:32:56 Average server FPS: 1169.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:32:56 Used memory: 1552952 KB
 2:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:33:56 Average server FPS: 1140.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:33:56 Used memory: 1551998 KB
 2:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:34:56 Average server FPS: 1151.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:34:56 Used memory: 1550841 KB
 2:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:35:56 Average server FPS: 1148.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:35:56 Used memory: 1551907 KB
 2:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:36:56 Average server FPS: 1165.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:36:56 Used memory: 1551192 KB
 2:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:37:56 Average server FPS: 1158.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:37:56 Used memory: 1550231 KB
 2:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:38:56 Average server FPS: 1145.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:38:56 Used memory: 1550428 KB
 2:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:39:56 Average server FPS: 1136.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:39:56 Used memory: 1552381 KB
 2:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:40:56 Average server FPS: 1149.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:40:56 Used memory: 1549597 KB
 2:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:41:56 Average server FPS: 1168.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:41:56 Used memory: 1548472 KB
 2:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:42:56 Average server FPS: 1128.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:42:56 Used memory: 1549229 KB
 2:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:43:56 Average server FPS: 1177.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:43:56 Used memory: 1548653 KB
 2:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:44:56 Average server FPS: 1198.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:44:56 Used memory: 1549562 KB
 2:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:45:56 Average server FPS: 1190.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:45:56 Used memory: 1548679 KB
 2:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:46:56 Average server FPS: 1192.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:46:56 Used memory: 1549172 KB
 2:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:47:56 Average server FPS: 1172.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:47:56 Used memory: 1550282 KB
 2:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:48:21 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /clear
 2:48:56 Average server FPS: 1158.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:48:56 Used memory: 1549537 KB
 2:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:49:56 Average server FPS: 1169.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:49:56 Used memory: 1549311 KB
 2:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:50:56 Average server FPS: 1149.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:50:56 Used memory: 1548831 KB
 2:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:51:56 Average server FPS: 1162.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:51:56 Used memory: 1549321 KB
 2:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:52:56 Average server FPS: 1166.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:52:56 Used memory: 1549788 KB
 2:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:53:56 Average server FPS: 1165.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:53:56 Used memory: 1548837 KB
 2:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:54:37 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 2:54:56 Average server FPS: 1153.80 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:54:56 Used memory: 1548522 KB
 2:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:55:56 Average server FPS: 1149.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:55:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 2:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:56:56 Average server FPS: 1136.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:56:56 Used memory: 1549902 KB
 2:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:57:30 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 2:57:56 Average server FPS: 1205.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:57:56 Used memory: 1550960 KB
 2:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:58:56 Average server FPS: 1233.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:58:56 Used memory: 1551092 KB
 2:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:59:56 Average server FPS: 1219.45 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:59:56 Used memory: 1552342 KB
 2:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:00:56 Average server FPS: 1191.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:00:56 Used memory: 1558491 KB
 3:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:01:26 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:01:56 Average server FPS: 1188.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:01:56 Used memory: 1556740 KB
 3:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:02:56 Average server FPS: 1180.83 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:02:56 Used memory: 1554576 KB
 3:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:03:56 Average server FPS: 1183.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:03:56 Used memory: 1554659 KB
 3:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:04:56 Average server FPS: 1181.43 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:04:56 Used memory: 1555109 KB
 3:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:05:56 Average server FPS: 1162.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:05:56 Used memory: 1556395 KB
 3:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:06:56 Average server FPS: 1149.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:06:56 Used memory: 1557178 KB
 3:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:07:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:07:56 Average server FPS: 1157.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:07:56 Used memory: 1554258 KB
 3:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 11
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:56 Average server FPS: 1116.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:08:56 Used memory: 1573610 KB
 3:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:09:56 Average server FPS: 1150.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:09:56 Used memory: 1554480 KB
 3:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:10:47 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4543.088867, 9590.140625 from PearTree2
 3:10:56 Average server FPS: 1153.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:10:56 Used memory: 1553998 KB
 3:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:11:56 Average server FPS: 1167.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:11:56 Used memory: 1554209 KB
 3:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:12:56 Average server FPS: 1178.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:12:56 Used memory: 1553365 KB
 3:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:13:56 Average server FPS: 1197.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:13:56 Used memory: 1553278 KB
 3:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:14:56 Average server FPS: 1199.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:14:56 Used memory: 1553493 KB
 3:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:15:56 Average server FPS: 1193.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:15:56 Used memory: 1553179 KB
 3:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:16:56 Average server FPS: 1205.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:16:56 Used memory: 1552573 KB
 3:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:17:56 Average server FPS: 1211.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:17:56 Used memory: 1552341 KB
 3:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:18:56 Average server FPS: 1171.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:18:56 Used memory: 1554083 KB
 3:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:19:56 Average server FPS: 1154.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:19:56 Used memory: 1553889 KB
 3:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:20:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:20:56 Average server FPS: 1131.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:20:56 Used memory: 1555711 KB
 3:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:21:56 Average server FPS: 1129.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:21:56 Used memory: 1554724 KB
 3:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:22:56 Average server FPS: 1118.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:22:56 Used memory: 1556069 KB
 3:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:23:56 Average server FPS: 1118.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:23:56 Used memory: 1555186 KB
 3:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:24:56 Average server FPS: 1132.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:24:56 Used memory: 1555470 KB
 3:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:25:32 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /heal
 3:25:56 Average server FPS: 1140.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:25:56 Used memory: 1555481 KB
 3:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:26:56 Average server FPS: 1162.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:26:56 Used memory: 1554046 KB
 3:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:27:56 Average server FPS: 1116.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:27:56 Used memory: 1552327 KB
 3:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:28:56 Average server FPS: 1108.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:28:56 Used memory: 1551913 KB
 3:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:29:56 Average server FPS: 1135.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:29:56 Used memory: 1553706 KB
 3:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:30:56 Average server FPS: 1133.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:30:56 Used memory: 1553116 KB
 3:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:31:56 Average server FPS: 1174.98 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:31:56 Used memory: 1553167 KB
 3:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:32:56 Average server FPS: 1167.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:32:56 Used memory: 1550635 KB
 3:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:33:56 Average server FPS: 1168.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:33:56 Used memory: 1550859 KB
 3:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:34:56 Average server FPS: 1185.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:34:56 Used memory: 1550298 KB
 3:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:35:56 Average server FPS: 1187.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:35:56 Used memory: 1551084 KB
 3:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:56 Average server FPS: 1203.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:36:56 Used memory: 1550360 KB
 3:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 11519.519531, 14102.523438 from Land_Misc_TrailRoof_Small
 3:37:56 Average server FPS: 1194.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:37:56 Used memory: 1550565 KB
 3:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:38:56 Average server FPS: 1174.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:38:56 Used memory: 1550590 KB
 3:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:39:56 Average server FPS: 1192.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:39:56 Used memory: 1550159 KB
 3:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:40:56 Average server FPS: 1204.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:40:56 Used memory: 1548490 KB
 3:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:41:56 Average server FPS: 1184.58 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:41:56 Used memory: 1549175 KB
 3:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:42:56 Average server FPS: 1169.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:42:56 Used memory: 1549265 KB
 3:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:43:56 Average server FPS: 1179.23 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:43:56 Used memory: 1548520 KB
 3:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:56 Average server FPS: 1169.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:44:56 Used memory: 1547175 KB
 3:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:57 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:45:56 Average server FPS: 1146.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:45:56 Used memory: 1551244 KB
 3:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:46:56 Average server FPS: 1158.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:46:56 Used memory: 1548025 KB
 3:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:47:56 Average server FPS: 1158.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:47:56 Used memory: 1545677 KB
 3:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:48:56 Average server FPS: 1146.32 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:48:56 Used memory: 1545158 KB
 3:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:49:56 Average server FPS: 1173.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:49:56 Used memory: 1544922 KB
 3:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:56 Average server FPS: 1142.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:50:56 Used memory: 1568018 KB
 3:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:51:56 Average server FPS: 1164.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:51:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 3:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:52:56 Average server FPS: 1164.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:52:56 Used memory: 1550820 KB
 3:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:53:56 Average server FPS: 1186.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:53:56 Used memory: 1546030 KB
 3:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:54:56 Average server FPS: 1200.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:54:56 Used memory: 1548447 KB
 3:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:55:56 Average server FPS: 1232.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:55:56 Used memory: 1550135 KB
 3:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:56:56 Average server FPS: 1282.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:56:56 Used memory: 1552738 KB
 3:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:57:56 Average server FPS: 1262.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:57:56 Used memory: 1551088 KB
 3:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:58:56 Average server FPS: 1213.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:58:56 Used memory: 1554355 KB
 3:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:59:56 Average server FPS: 1252.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:59:56 Used memory: 1552190 KB
 3:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:00:56 Average server FPS: 1258.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:00:56 Used memory: 1551514 KB
 4:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:01:56 Average server FPS: 1254.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:01:56 Used memory: 1551113 KB
 4:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:02:56 Average server FPS: 1249.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:02:56 Used memory: 1549679 KB
 4:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:03:56 Average server FPS: 1248.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:03:56 Used memory: 1551905 KB
 4:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:04:38 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 4:04:56 Average server FPS: 1177.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:04:56 Used memory: 1556979 KB
 4:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:05:56 Average server FPS: 1270.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:05:56 Used memory: 1551341 KB
 4:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:06:56 Average server FPS: 1354.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:06:56 Used memory: 1549797 KB
 4:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:07:38 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 4:07:56 Average server FPS: 1414.55 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:07:56 Used memory: 1551294 KB
 4:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:08:01 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 4:08:16 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /heal
 4:08:56 Average server FPS: 1375.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:08:56 Used memory: 1552929 KB
 4:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:09:56 Average server FPS: 1399.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:09:56 Used memory: 1553322 KB
 4:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:10:56 Average server FPS: 1413.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:10:56 Used memory: 1549932 KB
 4:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:11:56 Average server FPS: 1416.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:11:56 Used memory: 1549635 KB
 4:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:12:56 Average server FPS: 1433.67 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:12:56 Used memory: 1554368 KB
 4:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:13:56 Average server FPS: 1430.42 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:13:56 Used memory: 1553426 KB
 4:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:14:56 Average server FPS: 1453.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:14:56 Used memory: 1551232 KB
 4:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:15:56 Average server FPS: 1464.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:15:56 Used memory: 1552172 KB
 4:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:16:56 Average server FPS: 1473.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:16:56 Used memory: 1554438 KB
 4:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:17:51 [Disconnect]: Start script disconnect 2078547433 (dbCharacterId 1 dbPlayerId 1) logoutTime 15
 4:17:56 Average server FPS: 1458.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:17:56 Used memory: 1551731 KB
 4:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: Finish script disconnect 2078547433
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 2078547433
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 2078547433
 4:18:06 Player Survivor (2078547433) kicked from server: 2 (Auth error: AUTH CANCE20:18:43 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)



Edited by Col. Ben Sherman

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in your serverDZ.cfg remove: //steamPort=2302; //steamQueryPort=27600;


steamQueryPort = 2305;

start server

and before that update your server from 0.63.149464 to 0.63.149525 ;)

Edited by barci335

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1 hour ago, Col. Ben Sherman said:

Hi guys,

I recently set up a dayz server on my dedicated server box, it took me a while figuring out why I couldn't find it in the community tab but eventually, I found out that I was missing a port. Anyhow, I fixed it. But here is the problem, I am the only one for some reason that can join the server, every friend I've sent it to keeps getting "Connection failed" even though I'm on it, I even tried with no one being on it and them joining first still the same issue. What am I missing? To begin with, it's on a dedicated server box which is located in France so it's not even near me or on the same network, so I don't understand why I am the only one that can connect to it. I've been wracking my brain around this for 12 hours now and I can still not figure it out what I've missed.

Ports opened both (TCP/UDP) 2302 - 2307, 27015 - 27017


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hostname = "Test Server";         // Server name
password = "";         // Password for connection to the server
passwordAdmin = "*******";         // Password to become server admin  
maxPlayers = 100;         // Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures = 2;         // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (use only 2)
forceSameBuild = 1;         // Server will allow connection only to clients with same exe revision as server when active (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0;         // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 7;    // Voice over network codec quality (values 0-30)

disable3rdPerson=0;         //turn on/off 3rd person view for players on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=0;         //turn on/off cross-hair on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
serverTime="SystemTime";         // Server Start Time         // Initial ingame time of server. "SystemTime" means local time of machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=4;         // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)        // This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case time would move 24 times faster than normal, an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverTimePersistent=1;         // Persistent Time (value 0-1)        // Actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, next server start will use saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1;         // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1) 
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5;         // Number of players concurrently processed during login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting in the same time.   
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500;         // Maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
respawnTime = 5;            // Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server when the previous one is dead
motd[] = {"welcome to the server","no cheaters allowed"}; // Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motdInterval = 1;           // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
maxPing= 200;               // Max ping value until server kick the user (value in milliseconds)
timeStampFormat = "Short";  // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
logAverageFps = 60;          // Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have -dologs launch parameter active
logMemory = 60;              // Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logPlayers = 60;             // Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logFile = "server_console.log";// Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs
enableDebugMonitor = 0;     //shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1)

instanceId = 1;         // DayZ server instance id to identify number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
lootHistory = 1;         // how many persistence history files should been kept by instance, number is looped over during save
storeHouseStateDisabled = false;          // Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storageAutoFix = 1;         // Checks if persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)
class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus";        //used mission         //first part is mission name, second part is used map



Server RPT

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== C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\DayZServer_x64.exe
== "C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\DayZServer_x64.exe" -ip= -port=2302 "-config=serverdz.cfg" "-bepath=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\Battleye" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\instance" "-autoinit" -noFilePatching 
Exe timestamp: 2018/11/21 23:02:49
Current time:  2018/11/22 01:42:54

Version 0.63.149464
 1:42:54 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "dz/data/inputsdefault/core.xml"
 1:42:54 [Inputs] Exporting inputs cfg "C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\9\instance\Users\Survivor\Server.core.xml"
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 
 1:43:04 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults, 0 updaters...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgignorelist.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 227 prototypes
 1:43:04   488 containers, 7137 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
 1:43:04   0 containers, 0 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11602 groups, largest group range: 34.2
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml)
 1:43:05 [CE][Links] found 1852 total links between groups, of 11602
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17207 instances
 1:43:07 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'food' was not found.
 1:43:07 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'tools' was not found.
 1:43:07 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 368 classes setuped...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2580 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 33 dynamic events 205 total types 0 total positions.
 1:43:07 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\messages.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: File 'db/messages.xml' not found.
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Empty storage folder, reinitializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "Morphine"
 1:43:08 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 6926.961426, 11363.249023 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:08 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "DisinfectantAlcohol"
 1:43:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10168.661133, 12078.206055 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:09 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "SalineBag"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "Ssh68Helmet"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "Sweater_Green"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "PainkillerTablets"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "ParamedicJacket_Crimson"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12201.384766, 7239.983887 from Land_Shed_M1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8275.803711, 2465.145996 from Land_Boat_Small1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8274.852539, 2462.914551 from Land_Boat_Small2
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10167.707031, 12078.453125 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:24360, Nominal:24394, Total in Map: 24395 at 4 (sec)
 1:43:12   tests:25191, repeats:168 fails:663, overtime:45
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 1
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 2
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 5
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 6
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 7
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 8
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 9
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 10
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 11
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 12
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][DynEvent] :: 33 types
 1:43:12 [00] AmbientHen
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [01] AnimalCow
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [02] AnimalDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [03] AnimalGoat
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [04] AnimalPig
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [05] AnimalRoeDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [06] AnimalSheep
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [07] AnimalWildBoar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [08] AnimalWolf
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [09] InfectedArmy
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [10] InfectedCity
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [11] InfectedFirefighter
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [12] InfectedIndustrial
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [13] InfectedMedic
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [14] InfectedPolice
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [15] InfectedPrisoner
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [16] InfectedReligious
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [17] InfectedSolitude
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [18] InfectedVillage
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [19] ItemPlanks
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [20] Loot
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
 1:43:12 [21] StaticHeliCrash
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [22] StaticPoliceCar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [23] TrajectoryApple
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [24] TrajectoryCanina
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [25] TrajectoryConiferous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [26] TrajectoryDeciduous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [27] TrajectoryHumus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [28] TrajectoryPear
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [29] TrajectoryPlum
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [30] TrajectorySambucus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [31] TrajectoryStones
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [32] VehicleOffroadHatchback
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
 1:43:12 Player connect enabled
 1:43:56 Average server FPS: 1222.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:43:56 Used memory: 1539308 KB
 1:43:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:44:01 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 13
 1:44:01 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:44:56 Average server FPS: 1312.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:44:56 Used memory: 1570168 KB
 1:44:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:45:56 Average server FPS: 1007.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:45:56 Used memory: 1600795 KB
 1:45:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:46:56 Average server FPS: 1234.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:46:56 Used memory: 1518936 KB
 1:46:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:47:56 Average server FPS: 1308.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:47:56 Used memory: 1518701 KB
 1:47:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:48:56 Average server FPS: 1270.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:48:56 Used memory: 1518710 KB
 1:48:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:49:04 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (2078547433) to login queue at position 1
 1:49:04 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (2078547433)
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering PreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering WaitPreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetCharacterLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState
 1:49:06 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawnpoints_players.bin" does not exist...
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:33 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetNewCharLoginState
 1:49:36 <CREATE NEW CHAR>:
    charID 1
    playerID 1
    dpnid 2078547433
    uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=
 1:49:56 Average server FPS: 1164.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:49:56 Used memory: 1542389 KB
 1:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:50:56 Average server FPS: 1113.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:50:56 Used memory: 1546727 KB
 1:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:51:56 Average server FPS: 1121.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:51:56 Used memory: 1546816 KB
 1:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:52:56 Average server FPS: 1111.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:52:56 Used memory: 1549342 KB
 1:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:53:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13373.059570, 6202.405762 from AppleTree1
 1:53:56 Average server FPS: 1102.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:53:56 Used memory: 1543845 KB
 1:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:54:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13317.357422, 6192.633301 from CaninaBush2
 1:54:56 Average server FPS: 1090.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:54:56 Used memory: 1543914 KB
 1:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:55:21 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:55:56 Average server FPS: 1099.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:55:56 Used memory: 1544581 KB
 1:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:56:18 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.380859, 6227.145996 from AppleTree1
 1:56:56 Average server FPS: 1112.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:56:56 Used memory: 1544652 KB
 1:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:57:16 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:57:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:57:56 Used memory: 1544476 KB
 1:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:58:56 Average server FPS: 1051.92 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:58:56 Used memory: 1542073 KB
 1:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13403.995117, 6343.482910 from AppleTree1
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13328.419922, 6226.325684 from AppleTree1
 1:59:36 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 1:59:56 Average server FPS: 1111.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:59:56 Used memory: 1542906 KB
 1:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:00:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:00:56 Average server FPS: 1113.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:00:56 Used memory: 1543249 KB
 2:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:01:56 Average server FPS: 1120.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:01:56 Used memory: 1543325 KB
 2:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:02:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:02:56 Average server FPS: 1125.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:02:56 Used memory: 1543436 KB
 2:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:03:56 Average server FPS: 1133.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:03:56 Used memory: 1543447 KB
 2:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13378.053711, 6348.522461 from AppleTree1
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:04:56 Average server FPS: 1119.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:04:56 Used memory: 1543534 KB
 2:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:05:56 Average server FPS: 1101.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:05:56 Used memory: 1542722 KB
 2:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:06:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:06:56 Average server FPS: 1097.66 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:06:56 Used memory: 1542831 KB
 2:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:07:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13388.512695, 6338.388184 from AppleTree1
 2:07:56 Average server FPS: 1093.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:07:56 Used memory: 1545374 KB
 2:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:08:56 Average server FPS: 1072.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:08:56 Used memory: 1546235 KB
 2:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:09:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13341.577148, 6329.751465 from AppleTree1
 2:09:56 Average server FPS: 1109.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:09:56 Used memory: 1547185 KB
 2:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:10:49 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:10:56 Average server FPS: 1082.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:10:56 Used memory: 1547672 KB
 2:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:11:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:11:56 Average server FPS: 1107.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:11:56 Used memory: 1548419 KB
 2:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:12:56 Average server FPS: 1080.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:12:56 Used memory: 1549419 KB
 2:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:13:56 Average server FPS: 1064.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:13:56 Used memory: 1552650 KB
 2:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:14:56 Average server FPS: 1083.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:14:56 Used memory: 1549542 KB
 2:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:15:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12593.497070, 8669.706055 from Haybale
 2:15:56 Average server FPS: 1091.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:15:56 Used memory: 1548206 KB
 2:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:16:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12199.577148, 9393.617188 from AppleTree1
 2:16:56 Average server FPS: 1081.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:16:56 Used memory: 1552273 KB
 2:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:17:56 Average server FPS: 1073.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:17:56 Used memory: 1557128 KB
 2:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:18:56 Average server FPS: 1060.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:18:56 Used memory: 1568695 KB
 2:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:19:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:19:56 Used memory: 1552152 KB
 2:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:20:56 Average server FPS: 1081.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:20:56 Used memory: 1557930 KB
 2:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10369.752930, 9287.580078 from PearTree1
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10368.670898, 9288.593750 from PearTree1
 2:21:56 Average server FPS: 1084.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:21:56 Used memory: 1560297 KB
 2:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:22:56 Average server FPS: 1057.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:22:56 Used memory: 1557517 KB
 2:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:23:56 Average server FPS: 1060.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:23:56 Used memory: 1556091 KB
 2:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:24:24 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8668.729492, 8808.630859 from QuercusRobur_stump
 2:24:56 Average server FPS: 1060.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:24:56 Used memory: 1561254 KB
 2:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:25:56 Average server FPS: 1064.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:25:56 Used memory: 1550602 KB
 2:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 14
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 15
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 15
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 16
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 17
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 18
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 19
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 0 total links between groups, of 20
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 21
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 22
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 23
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 24
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 25
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 26
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:56 Average server FPS: 1050.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:26:56 Used memory: 1553384 KB
 2:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:27:56 Average server FPS: 1075.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:27:56 Used memory: 1560251 KB
 2:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:28:56 Average server FPS: 1081.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:28:56 Used memory: 1556540 KB
 2:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:29:56 Average server FPS: 1109.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:29:56 Used memory: 1552565 KB
 2:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:30:56 Average server FPS: 1145.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:30:56 Used memory: 1551328 KB
 2:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:31:56 Average server FPS: 1163.12 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:31:56 Used memory: 1552156 KB
 2:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:32:56 Average server FPS: 1169.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:32:56 Used memory: 1552952 KB
 2:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:33:56 Average server FPS: 1140.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:33:56 Used memory: 1551998 KB
 2:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:34:56 Average server FPS: 1151.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:34:56 Used memory: 1550841 KB
 2:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:35:56 Average server FPS: 1148.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:35:56 Used memory: 1551907 KB
 2:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:36:56 Average server FPS: 1165.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:36:56 Used memory: 1551192 KB
 2:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:37:56 Average server FPS: 1158.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:37:56 Used memory: 1550231 KB
 2:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:38:56 Average server FPS: 1145.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:38:56 Used memory: 1550428 KB
 2:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:39:56 Average server FPS: 1136.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:39:56 Used memory: 1552381 KB
 2:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:40:56 Average server FPS: 1149.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:40:56 Used memory: 1549597 KB
 2:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:41:56 Average server FPS: 1168.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:41:56 Used memory: 1548472 KB
 2:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:42:56 Average server FPS: 1128.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:42:56 Used memory: 1549229 KB
 2:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:43:56 Average server FPS: 1177.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:43:56 Used memory: 1548653 KB
 2:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:44:56 Average server FPS: 1198.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:44:56 Used memory: 1549562 KB
 2:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:45:56 Average server FPS: 1190.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:45:56 Used memory: 1548679 KB
 2:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:46:56 Average server FPS: 1192.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:46:56 Used memory: 1549172 KB
 2:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:47:56 Average server FPS: 1172.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:47:56 Used memory: 1550282 KB
 2:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:48:56 Average server FPS: 1158.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:48:56 Used memory: 1549537 KB
 2:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:49:56 Average server FPS: 1169.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:49:56 Used memory: 1549311 KB
 2:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:50:56 Average server FPS: 1149.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:50:56 Used memory: 1548831 KB
 2:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:51:56 Average server FPS: 1162.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:51:56 Used memory: 1549321 KB
 2:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:52:56 Average server FPS: 1166.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:52:56 Used memory: 1549788 KB
 2:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:53:56 Average server FPS: 1165.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:53:56 Used memory: 1548837 KB
 2:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:54:56 Average server FPS: 1153.80 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:54:56 Used memory: 1548522 KB
 2:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:55:56 Average server FPS: 1149.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:55:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 2:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:56:56 Average server FPS: 1136.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:56:56 Used memory: 1549902 KB
 2:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:57:56 Average server FPS: 1205.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:57:56 Used memory: 1550960 KB
 2:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:58:56 Average server FPS: 1233.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:58:56 Used memory: 1551092 KB
 2:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:59:56 Average server FPS: 1219.45 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:59:56 Used memory: 1552342 KB
 2:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:00:56 Average server FPS: 1191.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:00:56 Used memory: 1558491 KB
 3:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:01:26 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:01:56 Average server FPS: 1188.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:01:56 Used memory: 1556740 KB
 3:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:02:56 Average server FPS: 1180.83 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:02:56 Used memory: 1554576 KB
 3:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:03:56 Average server FPS: 1183.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:03:56 Used memory: 1554659 KB
 3:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:04:56 Average server FPS: 1181.43 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:04:56 Used memory: 1555109 KB
 3:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:05:56 Average server FPS: 1162.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:05:56 Used memory: 1556395 KB
 3:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:06:56 Average server FPS: 1149.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:06:56 Used memory: 1557178 KB
 3:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:07:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:07:56 Average server FPS: 1157.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:07:56 Used memory: 1554258 KB
 3:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 27
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 11
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 28
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:26 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 29
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 30
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 31
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 32
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 33
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 34
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 35
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 36
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 37
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 38
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 39
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:56 Average server FPS: 1116.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:08:56 Used memory: 1573610 KB
 3:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:09:56 Average server FPS: 1150.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:09:56 Used memory: 1554480 KB
 3:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:10:47 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4543.088867, 9590.140625 from PearTree2
 3:10:56 Average server FPS: 1153.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:10:56 Used memory: 1553998 KB
 3:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:11:56 Average server FPS: 1167.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:11:56 Used memory: 1554209 KB
 3:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:12:56 Average server FPS: 1178.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:12:56 Used memory: 1553365 KB
 3:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:13:56 Average server FPS: 1197.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:13:56 Used memory: 1553278 KB
 3:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:14:56 Average server FPS: 1199.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:14:56 Used memory: 1553493 KB
 3:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:15:56 Average server FPS: 1193.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:15:56 Used memory: 1553179 KB
 3:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:16:56 Average server FPS: 1205.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:16:56 Used memory: 1552573 KB
 3:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:17:56 Average server FPS: 1211.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:17:56 Used memory: 1552341 KB
 3:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:18:56 Average server FPS: 1171.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:18:56 Used memory: 1554083 KB
 3:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:19:56 Average server FPS: 1154.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:19:56 Used memory: 1553889 KB
 3:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:20:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:20:56 Average server FPS: 1131.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:20:56 Used memory: 1555711 KB
 3:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:21:56 Average server FPS: 1129.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:21:56 Used memory: 1554724 KB
 3:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:22:56 Average server FPS: 1118.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:22:56 Used memory: 1556069 KB
 3:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:23:56 Average server FPS: 1118.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:23:56 Used memory: 1555186 KB
 3:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:24:56 Average server FPS: 1132.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:24:56 Used memory: 1555470 KB
 3:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:25:56 Average server FPS: 1140.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:25:56 Used memory: 1555481 KB
 3:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:26:56 Average server FPS: 1162.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:26:56 Used memory: 1554046 KB
 3:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:27:56 Average server FPS: 1116.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:27:56 Used memory: 1552327 KB
 3:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:28:56 Average server FPS: 1108.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:28:56 Used memory: 1551913 KB
 3:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:29:56 Average server FPS: 1135.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:29:56 Used memory: 1553706 KB
 3:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:30:56 Average server FPS: 1133.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:30:56 Used memory: 1553116 KB
 3:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:31:56 Average server FPS: 1174.98 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:31:56 Used memory: 1553167 KB
 3:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:32:56 Average server FPS: 1167.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:32:56 Used memory: 1550635 KB
 3:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:33:56 Average server FPS: 1168.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:33:56 Used memory: 1550859 KB
 3:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:34:56 Average server FPS: 1185.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:34:56 Used memory: 1550298 KB
 3:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:35:56 Average server FPS: 1187.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:35:56 Used memory: 1551084 KB
 3:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:56 Average server FPS: 1203.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:36:56 Used memory: 1550360 KB
 3:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 11519.519531, 14102.523438 from Land_Misc_TrailRoof_Small
 3:37:56 Average server FPS: 1194.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:37:56 Used memory: 1550565 KB
 3:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:38:56 Average server FPS: 1174.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:38:56 Used memory: 1550590 KB
 3:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:39:56 Average server FPS: 1192.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:39:56 Used memory: 1550159 KB
 3:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:40:56 Average server FPS: 1204.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:40:56 Used memory: 1548490 KB
 3:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:41:56 Average server FPS: 1184.58 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:41:56 Used memory: 1549175 KB
 3:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:42:56 Average server FPS: 1169.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:42:56 Used memory: 1549265 KB
 3:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:43:56 Average server FPS: 1179.23 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:43:56 Used memory: 1548520 KB
 3:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:56 Average server FPS: 1169.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:44:56 Used memory: 1547175 KB
 3:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:57 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:45:56 Average server FPS: 1146.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:45:56 Used memory: 1551244 KB
 3:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:46:56 Average server FPS: 1158.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:46:56 Used memory: 1548025 KB
 3:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:47:56 Average server FPS: 1158.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:47:56 Used memory: 1545677 KB
 3:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:48:56 Average server FPS: 1146.32 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:48:56 Used memory: 1545158 KB
 3:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:49:56 Average server FPS: 1173.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:49:56 Used memory: 1544922 KB
 3:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 40
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 41
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 3:50:37 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 42
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 43
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 44
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 45
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 46
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 47
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 48
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 49
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 2 total links between groups, of 50
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 4 total links between groups, of 51
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][Links] found 4 total links between groups, of 52
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:56 Average server FPS: 1142.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:50:56 Used memory: 1568018 KB
 3:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:51:56 Average server FPS: 1164.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:51:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 3:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:52:56 Average server FPS: 1164.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:52:56 Used memory: 1550820 KB
 3:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:53:56 Average server FPS: 1186.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:53:56 Used memory: 1546030 KB
 3:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:54:56 Average server FPS: 1200.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:54:56 Used memory: 1548447 KB
 3:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:55:56 Average server FPS: 1232.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:55:56 Used memory: 1550135 KB
 3:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:56:56 Average server FPS: 1282.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:56:56 Used memory: 1552738 KB
 3:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:57:56 Average server FPS: 1262.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:57:56 Used memory: 1551088 KB
 3:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:58:56 Average server FPS: 1213.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:58:56 Used memory: 1554355 KB
 3:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:59:56 Average server FPS: 1252.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:59:56 Used memory: 1552190 KB
 3:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:00:56 Average server FPS: 1258.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:00:56 Used memory: 1551514 KB
 4:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:01:56 Average server FPS: 1254.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:01:56 Used memory: 1551113 KB
 4:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:02:56 Average server FPS: 1249.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:02:56 Used memory: 1549679 KB
 4:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:03:56 Average server FPS: 1248.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:03:56 Used memory: 1551905 KB
 4:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:04:56 Average server FPS: 1177.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:04:56 Used memory: 1556979 KB
 4:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:05:56 Average server FPS: 1270.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:05:56 Used memory: 1551341 KB
 4:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:06:56 Average server FPS: 1354.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:06:56 Used memory: 1549797 KB
 4:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:07:56 Average server FPS: 1414.55 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:07:56 Used memory: 1551294 KB
 4:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:08:56 Average server FPS: 1375.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:08:56 Used memory: 1552929 KB
 4:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:09:56 Average server FPS: 1399.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:09:56 Used memory: 1553322 KB
 4:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:10:56 Average server FPS: 1413.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:10:56 Used memory: 1549932 KB
 4:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:11:56 Average server FPS: 1416.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:11:56 Used memory: 1549635 KB
 4:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:12:56 Average server FPS: 1433.67 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:12:56 Used memory: 1554368 KB
 4:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:13:56 Average server FPS: 1430.42 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:13:56 Used memory: 1553426 KB
 4:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:14:56 Average server FPS: 1453.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:14:56 Used memory: 1551232 KB



Server log

  Reveal hidden contents

1:42:56 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)
 1:42:56 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(91ef3634,8766,2302,27016,3,0.63.149464)
 1:42:56 Host identity created.
 1:42:56 Roles assigned.
 1:42:56 Reading mission ...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 
 1:43:04 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults, 0 updaters...
 1:43:04 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgignorelist.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 227 prototypes
 1:43:04   488 containers, 7137 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
 1:43:04   0 containers, 0 points
 1:43:04   0 dispatches, 0 proxies
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
 1:43:04 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11602 groups, largest group range: 34.2
 1:43:04 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:04 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml)
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
 1:43:05 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17207 instances
 1:43:07 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 368 classes setuped...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
 1:43:07 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2580 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
 1:43:07 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 33 dynamic events 205 total types 0 total positions.
 1:43:07 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\messages.xml" does not exist...
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Empty storage folder, reinitializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 
 1:43:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "Morphine"
 1:43:08 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 6926.961426, 11363.249023 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:08 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "DisinfectantAlcohol"
 1:43:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10168.661133, 12078.206055 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:09 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "SalineBag"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "Ssh68Helmet"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "Sweater_Green"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "PainkillerTablets"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "ParamedicJacket_Crimson"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:10 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] is hard to place, performance drops: "EngineOil"
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12201.384766, 7239.983887 from Land_Shed_M1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8275.803711, 2465.145996 from Land_Boat_Small1
 1:43:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8274.852539, 2462.914551 from Land_Boat_Small2
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "CharcoalTablets"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "BDUJacket"
 1:43:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10167.707031, 12078.453125 from Land_Castle_Gate
 1:43:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:24360, Nominal:24394, Total in Map: 24395 at 4 (sec)
 1:43:12   tests:25191, repeats:168 fails:663, overtime:45
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 1:43:12 [CE][DynEvent] :: 33 types
 1:43:12 [00] AmbientHen
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [01] AnimalCow
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [02] AnimalDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [03] AnimalGoat
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [04] AnimalPig
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [05] AnimalRoeDeer
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [06] AnimalSheep
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [07] AnimalWildBoar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [08] AnimalWolf
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [09] InfectedArmy
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [10] InfectedCity
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [11] InfectedFirefighter
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [12] InfectedIndustrial
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [13] InfectedMedic
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [14] InfectedPolice
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [15] InfectedPrisoner
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [16] InfectedReligious
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [17] InfectedSolitude
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [18] InfectedVillage
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [19] ItemPlanks
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [20] Loot
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
 1:43:12 [21] StaticHeliCrash
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [22] StaticPoliceCar
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [23] TrajectoryApple
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [24] TrajectoryCanina
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [25] TrajectoryConiferous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [26] TrajectoryDeciduous
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [27] TrajectoryHumus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [28] TrajectoryPear
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [29] TrajectoryPlum
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [30] TrajectorySambucus
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [31] TrajectoryStones
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [32] VehicleOffroadHatchback
 1:43:12   Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
 1:43:12 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
 1:43:56 Average server FPS: 1222.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:43:56 Used memory: 1539308 KB
 1:43:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:44:01 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 1:44:56 Average server FPS: 1312.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:44:56 Used memory: 1570168 KB
 1:44:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:45:56 Average server FPS: 1007.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:45:56 Used memory: 1600795 KB
 1:45:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:46:56 Average server FPS: 1234.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:46:56 Used memory: 1518936 KB
 1:46:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:47:56 Average server FPS: 1308.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:47:56 Used memory: 1518701 KB
 1:47:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:48:56 Average server FPS: 1270.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:48:56 Used memory: 1518710 KB
 1:48:56 Players: 0 in total
 1:49:04 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (2078547433) to login queue at position 1
 1:49:04 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (2078547433)
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering PreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:04 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
 1:49:04 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 5c56d9c2c0acf19c04036b3897532d14
 1:49:04 Player Survivor connecting.
 1:49:04 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid ) Entering WaitPreCreatePlayerLoginState
 1:49:05 Player Survivor connected (id=0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=).
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetCharacterLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState
 1:49:06 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawnpoints_players.bin" does not exist...
 1:49:06 Player Survivor dpid=2078547433 at pos (13495.8, 0.0, 6006.8) 
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:06 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState
 1:49:33 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 2078547433 uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=) Entering GetNewCharLoginState
 1:49:36 <CREATE NEW CHAR>:
    charID 1
    playerID 1
    dpnid 2078547433
    uid 0ZonIPKXuUAZM3ginq4nYZxXSzJ2lZ1rFrLm8+199cQ=
 1:49:52 Admin Survivor logged in.
 1:49:54 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 1:49:56 Average server FPS: 1164.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:49:56 Used memory: 1542389 KB
 1:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:50:17 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 1:50:56 Average server FPS: 1113.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:50:56 Used memory: 1546727 KB
 1:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:51:56 Average server FPS: 1121.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:51:56 Used memory: 1546816 KB
 1:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:52:56 Average server FPS: 1111.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:52:56 Used memory: 1549342 KB
 1:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:53:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13373.059570, 6202.405762 from AppleTree1
 1:53:56 Average server FPS: 1102.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:53:56 Used memory: 1543845 KB
 1:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:54:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13317.357422, 6192.633301 from CaninaBush2
 1:54:56 Average server FPS: 1090.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:54:56 Used memory: 1543914 KB
 1:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:55:21 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:55:56 Average server FPS: 1099.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:55:56 Used memory: 1544581 KB
 1:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:56:18 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.380859, 6227.145996 from AppleTree1
 1:56:56 Average server FPS: 1112.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:56:56 Used memory: 1544652 KB
 1:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:57:16 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13330.702148, 6225.625488 from AppleTree1
 1:57:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:57:56 Used memory: 1544476 KB
 1:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:58:56 Average server FPS: 1051.92 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:58:56 Used memory: 1542073 KB
 1:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13403.995117, 6343.482910 from AppleTree1
 1:59:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13328.419922, 6226.325684 from AppleTree1
 1:59:36 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 1:59:56 Average server FPS: 1111.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 1:59:56 Used memory: 1542906 KB
 1:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:00:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:00:56 Average server FPS: 1113.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:00:56 Used memory: 1543249 KB
 2:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:01:56 Average server FPS: 1120.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:01:56 Used memory: 1543325 KB
 2:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:02:25 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:02:56 Average server FPS: 1125.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:02:56 Used memory: 1543436 KB
 2:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:03:56 Average server FPS: 1133.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:03:56 Used memory: 1543447 KB
 2:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13378.053711, 6348.522461 from AppleTree1
 2:04:42 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:04:56 Average server FPS: 1119.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:04:56 Used memory: 1543534 KB
 2:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:05:56 Average server FPS: 1101.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:05:56 Used memory: 1542722 KB
 2:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:06:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.113281, 6346.383301 from AppleTree1
 2:06:56 Average server FPS: 1097.66 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:06:56 Used memory: 1542831 KB
 2:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:07:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.046875, 6338.328125 from PearTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13379.997070, 6347.662109 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.917969, 6329.312500 from AppleTree1
 2:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13388.512695, 6338.388184 from AppleTree1
 2:07:56 Average server FPS: 1093.27 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:07:56 Used memory: 1545374 KB
 2:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:08:56 Average server FPS: 1072.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:08:56 Used memory: 1546235 KB
 2:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:09:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13341.577148, 6329.751465 from AppleTree1
 2:09:54 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /
 2:09:56 Average server FPS: 1109.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:09:56 Used memory: 1547185 KB
 2:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:10:49 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:10:56 Average server FPS: 1082.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:10:56 Used memory: 1547672 KB
 2:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:11:03 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /offroad
 2:11:18 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /refuel
 2:11:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.375000, 6330.672852 from AppleTree1
 2:11:56 Average server FPS: 1107.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:11:56 Used memory: 1548419 KB
 2:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:12:56 Average server FPS: 1080.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:12:56 Used memory: 1549419 KB
 2:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:13:56 Average server FPS: 1064.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:13:56 Used memory: 1552650 KB
 2:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:14:56 Average server FPS: 1083.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:14:56 Used memory: 1549542 KB
 2:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:15:03 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12593.497070, 8669.706055 from Haybale
 2:15:56 Average server FPS: 1091.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:15:56 Used memory: 1548206 KB
 2:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:16:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12199.577148, 9393.617188 from AppleTree1
 2:16:56 Average server FPS: 1081.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:16:56 Used memory: 1552273 KB
 2:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:17:56 Average server FPS: 1073.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:17:56 Used memory: 1557128 KB
 2:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:18:56 Average server FPS: 1060.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:18:56 Used memory: 1568695 KB
 2:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:19:56 Average server FPS: 1090.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:19:56 Used memory: 1552152 KB
 2:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:20:56 Average server FPS: 1081.20 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:20:56 Used memory: 1557930 KB
 2:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10369.752930, 9287.580078 from PearTree1
 2:21:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10368.670898, 9288.593750 from PearTree1
 2:21:56 Average server FPS: 1084.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:21:56 Used memory: 1560297 KB
 2:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:22:56 Average server FPS: 1057.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:22:56 Used memory: 1557517 KB
 2:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:23:56 Average server FPS: 1060.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:23:56 Used memory: 1556091 KB
 2:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:24:24 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 8668.729492, 8808.630859 from QuercusRobur_stump
 2:24:56 Average server FPS: 1060.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:24:56 Used memory: 1561254 KB
 2:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:25:56 Average server FPS: 1064.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:25:56 Used memory: 1550602 KB
 2:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 15
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 2:26:56 Average server FPS: 1050.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:26:56 Used memory: 1553384 KB
 2:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:27:56 Average server FPS: 1075.97 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:27:56 Used memory: 1560251 KB
 2:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:28:56 Average server FPS: 1081.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:28:56 Used memory: 1556540 KB
 2:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:29:56 Average server FPS: 1109.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:29:56 Used memory: 1552565 KB
 2:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:30:50 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 2:30:56 Average server FPS: 1145.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:30:56 Used memory: 1551328 KB
 2:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:31:56 Average server FPS: 1163.12 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:31:56 Used memory: 1552156 KB
 2:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:32:56 Average server FPS: 1169.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:32:56 Used memory: 1552952 KB
 2:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:33:56 Average server FPS: 1140.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:33:56 Used memory: 1551998 KB
 2:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:34:56 Average server FPS: 1151.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:34:56 Used memory: 1550841 KB
 2:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:35:56 Average server FPS: 1148.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:35:56 Used memory: 1551907 KB
 2:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:36:56 Average server FPS: 1165.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:36:56 Used memory: 1551192 KB
 2:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:37:56 Average server FPS: 1158.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:37:56 Used memory: 1550231 KB
 2:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:38:56 Average server FPS: 1145.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:38:56 Used memory: 1550428 KB
 2:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:39:56 Average server FPS: 1136.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:39:56 Used memory: 1552381 KB
 2:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:40:56 Average server FPS: 1149.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:40:56 Used memory: 1549597 KB
 2:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:41:56 Average server FPS: 1168.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:41:56 Used memory: 1548472 KB
 2:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:42:56 Average server FPS: 1128.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:42:56 Used memory: 1549229 KB
 2:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:43:56 Average server FPS: 1177.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:43:56 Used memory: 1548653 KB
 2:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:44:56 Average server FPS: 1198.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:44:56 Used memory: 1549562 KB
 2:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:45:56 Average server FPS: 1190.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:45:56 Used memory: 1548679 KB
 2:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:46:56 Average server FPS: 1192.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:46:56 Used memory: 1549172 KB
 2:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:47:56 Average server FPS: 1172.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:47:56 Used memory: 1550282 KB
 2:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:48:21 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /clear
 2:48:56 Average server FPS: 1158.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:48:56 Used memory: 1549537 KB
 2:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:49:56 Average server FPS: 1169.15 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:49:56 Used memory: 1549311 KB
 2:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:50:56 Average server FPS: 1149.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:50:56 Used memory: 1548831 KB
 2:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:51:56 Average server FPS: 1162.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:51:56 Used memory: 1549321 KB
 2:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:52:56 Average server FPS: 1166.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:52:56 Used memory: 1549788 KB
 2:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:53:56 Average server FPS: 1165.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:53:56 Used memory: 1548837 KB
 2:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:54:37 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 2:54:56 Average server FPS: 1153.80 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:54:56 Used memory: 1548522 KB
 2:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:55:56 Average server FPS: 1149.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:55:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 2:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:56:56 Average server FPS: 1136.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:56:56 Used memory: 1549902 KB
 2:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:57:30 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 2:57:56 Average server FPS: 1205.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:57:56 Used memory: 1550960 KB
 2:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:58:56 Average server FPS: 1233.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:58:56 Used memory: 1551092 KB
 2:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 2:59:56 Average server FPS: 1219.45 (measured interval: 60 s)
 2:59:56 Used memory: 1552342 KB
 2:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:00:56 Average server FPS: 1191.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:00:56 Used memory: 1558491 KB
 3:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:01:26 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:01:56 Average server FPS: 1188.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:01:56 Used memory: 1556740 KB
 3:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:02:56 Average server FPS: 1180.83 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:02:56 Used memory: 1554576 KB
 3:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:03:56 Average server FPS: 1183.82 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:03:56 Used memory: 1554659 KB
 3:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:04:56 Average server FPS: 1181.43 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:04:56 Used memory: 1555109 KB
 3:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:05:56 Average server FPS: 1162.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:05:56 Used memory: 1556395 KB
 3:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:06:56 Average server FPS: 1149.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:06:56 Used memory: 1557178 KB
 3:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:07:33 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:07:56 Average server FPS: 1157.38 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:07:56 Used memory: 1554258 KB
 3:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 11
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:26 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 13
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:27 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:08:56 Average server FPS: 1116.02 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:08:56 Used memory: 1573610 KB
 3:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:09:56 Average server FPS: 1150.35 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:09:56 Used memory: 1554480 KB
 3:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:10:47 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4543.088867, 9590.140625 from PearTree2
 3:10:56 Average server FPS: 1153.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:10:56 Used memory: 1553998 KB
 3:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:11:56 Average server FPS: 1167.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:11:56 Used memory: 1554209 KB
 3:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:12:56 Average server FPS: 1178.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:12:56 Used memory: 1553365 KB
 3:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:13:56 Average server FPS: 1197.57 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:13:56 Used memory: 1553278 KB
 3:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:14:56 Average server FPS: 1199.52 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:14:56 Used memory: 1553493 KB
 3:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:15:56 Average server FPS: 1193.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:15:56 Used memory: 1553179 KB
 3:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:16:56 Average server FPS: 1205.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:16:56 Used memory: 1552573 KB
 3:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:17:56 Average server FPS: 1211.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:17:56 Used memory: 1552341 KB
 3:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:18:56 Average server FPS: 1171.78 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:18:56 Used memory: 1554083 KB
 3:18:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:19:56 Average server FPS: 1154.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:19:56 Used memory: 1553889 KB
 3:19:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:20:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4606.951660, 9548.872070 from PearTree2
 3:20:56 Average server FPS: 1131.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:20:56 Used memory: 1555711 KB
 3:20:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:21:56 Average server FPS: 1129.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:21:56 Used memory: 1554724 KB
 3:21:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:22:56 Average server FPS: 1118.65 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:22:56 Used memory: 1556069 KB
 3:22:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:23:56 Average server FPS: 1118.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:23:56 Used memory: 1555186 KB
 3:23:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:24:56 Average server FPS: 1132.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:24:56 Used memory: 1555470 KB
 3:24:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:25:32 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /heal
 3:25:56 Average server FPS: 1140.75 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:25:56 Used memory: 1555481 KB
 3:25:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:26:56 Average server FPS: 1162.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:26:56 Used memory: 1554046 KB
 3:26:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:27:56 Average server FPS: 1116.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:27:56 Used memory: 1552327 KB
 3:27:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:28:56 Average server FPS: 1108.03 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:28:56 Used memory: 1551913 KB
 3:28:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:29:56 Average server FPS: 1135.28 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:29:56 Used memory: 1553706 KB
 3:29:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:30:56 Average server FPS: 1133.87 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:30:56 Used memory: 1553116 KB
 3:30:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:31:56 Average server FPS: 1174.98 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:31:56 Used memory: 1553167 KB
 3:31:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:32:56 Average server FPS: 1167.60 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:32:56 Used memory: 1550635 KB
 3:32:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:33:56 Average server FPS: 1168.17 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:33:56 Used memory: 1550859 KB
 3:33:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:34:56 Average server FPS: 1185.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:34:56 Used memory: 1550298 KB
 3:34:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:35:56 Average server FPS: 1187.05 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:35:56 Used memory: 1551084 KB
 3:35:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:56 Average server FPS: 1203.77 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:36:56 Used memory: 1550360 KB
 3:36:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:36:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 11519.519531, 14102.523438 from Land_Misc_TrailRoof_Small
 3:37:56 Average server FPS: 1194.47 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:37:56 Used memory: 1550565 KB
 3:37:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:38:56 Average server FPS: 1174.63 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:38:56 Used memory: 1550590 KB
 3:38:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:39:56 Average server FPS: 1192.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:39:56 Used memory: 1550159 KB
 3:39:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:40:56 Average server FPS: 1204.18 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:40:56 Used memory: 1548490 KB
 3:40:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:41:56 Average server FPS: 1184.58 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:41:56 Used memory: 1549175 KB
 3:41:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:42:56 Average server FPS: 1169.00 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:42:56 Used memory: 1549265 KB
 3:42:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.365723, 9632.955078 from PearTree2
 3:43:37 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:43:56 Average server FPS: 1179.23 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:43:56 Used memory: 1548520 KB
 3:43:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:56 Average server FPS: 1169.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:44:56 Used memory: 1547175 KB
 3:44:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:44:57 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4616.243164, 9634.956055 from PearTree2
 3:45:56 Average server FPS: 1146.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:45:56 Used memory: 1551244 KB
 3:45:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:46:56 Average server FPS: 1158.33 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:46:56 Used memory: 1548025 KB
 3:46:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:47:56 Average server FPS: 1158.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:47:56 Used memory: 1545677 KB
 3:47:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:48:56 Average server FPS: 1146.32 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:48:56 Used memory: 1545158 KB
 3:48:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:49:56 Average server FPS: 1173.68 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:49:56 Used memory: 1544922 KB
 3:49:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 14
 3:50:37 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 10
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
 3:50:38 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
 3:50:56 Average server FPS: 1142.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:50:56 Used memory: 1568018 KB
 3:50:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:51:56 Average server FPS: 1164.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:51:56 Used memory: 1548966 KB
 3:51:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:52:56 Average server FPS: 1164.50 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:52:56 Used memory: 1550820 KB
 3:52:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:53:56 Average server FPS: 1186.95 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:53:56 Used memory: 1546030 KB
 3:53:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:54:56 Average server FPS: 1200.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:54:56 Used memory: 1548447 KB
 3:54:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:55:56 Average server FPS: 1232.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:55:56 Used memory: 1550135 KB
 3:55:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:56:56 Average server FPS: 1282.37 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:56:56 Used memory: 1552738 KB
 3:56:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:57:56 Average server FPS: 1262.70 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:57:56 Used memory: 1551088 KB
 3:57:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:58:56 Average server FPS: 1213.53 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:58:56 Used memory: 1554355 KB
 3:58:56 Players: 1 in total
 3:59:56 Average server FPS: 1252.08 (measured interval: 60 s)
 3:59:56 Used memory: 1552190 KB
 3:59:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:00:56 Average server FPS: 1258.22 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:00:56 Used memory: 1551514 KB
 4:00:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:01:56 Average server FPS: 1254.25 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:01:56 Used memory: 1551113 KB
 4:01:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:02:56 Average server FPS: 1249.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:02:56 Used memory: 1549679 KB
 4:02:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:03:56 Average server FPS: 1248.72 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:03:56 Used memory: 1551905 KB
 4:03:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:04:38 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /time 12 0
 4:04:56 Average server FPS: 1177.85 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:04:56 Used memory: 1556979 KB
 4:04:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:05:56 Average server FPS: 1270.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:05:56 Used memory: 1551341 KB
 4:05:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:06:56 Average server FPS: 1354.30 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:06:56 Used memory: 1549797 KB
 4:06:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:07:38 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 4:07:56 Average server FPS: 1414.55 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:07:56 Used memory: 1551294 KB
 4:07:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:08:01 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /weapon m4
 4:08:16 BattlEye Server: (Global) Survivor: /heal
 4:08:56 Average server FPS: 1375.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:08:56 Used memory: 1552929 KB
 4:08:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:09:56 Average server FPS: 1399.73 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:09:56 Used memory: 1553322 KB
 4:09:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:10:56 Average server FPS: 1413.40 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:10:56 Used memory: 1549932 KB
 4:10:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:11:56 Average server FPS: 1416.10 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:11:56 Used memory: 1549635 KB
 4:11:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:12:56 Average server FPS: 1433.67 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:12:56 Used memory: 1554368 KB
 4:12:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:13:56 Average server FPS: 1430.42 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:13:56 Used memory: 1553426 KB
 4:13:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:14:56 Average server FPS: 1453.48 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:14:56 Used memory: 1551232 KB
 4:14:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:15:56 Average server FPS: 1464.93 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:15:56 Used memory: 1552172 KB
 4:15:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:16:56 Average server FPS: 1473.13 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:16:56 Used memory: 1554438 KB
 4:16:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:17:51 [Disconnect]: Start script disconnect 2078547433 (dbCharacterId 1 dbPlayerId 1) logoutTime 15
 4:17:56 Average server FPS: 1458.90 (measured interval: 60 s)
 4:17:56 Used memory: 1551731 KB
 4:17:56 Players: 1 in total
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: Finish script disconnect 2078547433
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 2078547433
 4:18:06 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 2078547433
 4:18:06 Player Survivor (2078547433) kicked from server: 2 (Auth error: AUTH CANCE20:18:43 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)



start DayZServer_x64.exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\DayZServer\Battleye -profiles=C:\Dayzserver\PlayerLogs call port using start bat

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Seems like I missed an update, anyhow now when I try and run the server I get this error



Update: had to wipe some logs and stuff and it worked again, I'll update you guys shortly once one of my buddies have tested the server

Edited by Col. Ben Sherman

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yeah, you need to remove your .xml files in your documents/dayz folder :)

can't join your server:



did you go to your firewall and add dayserver64.exe to allow traffic? 

Edited by barci335

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1 hour ago, barci335 said:

yeah, you need to remove your .xml files in your documents/dayz folder :)

can't join your server:



did you go to your firewall and add dayserver64.exe to allow traffic? 

Sorry, I had the server offline at that point. Yea no it's allowed through the firewall and all that, it shows up on the list and everything when it's online. I've started it right now so you more than welcome to test it out and see if it works for you. Much appreciated for all the help guys. I'm heading off to bed for now as my friends are sleeping as well. But I'll keep you guys updated tomorrow :)

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50 minutes ago, Col. Ben Sherman said:

Sorry, I had the server offline at that point. Yea no it's allowed through the firewall and all that, it shows up on the list and everything when it's online. I've started it right now so you more than welcome to test it out and see if it works for you. Much appreciated for all the help guys. I'm heading off to bed for now as my friends are sleeping as well. But I'll keep you guys updated tomorrow :)

it's working. i'm on it. 



but i can't see s***  xD


Edited by barci335

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So, my friend just tested again and he still gets "Connection failed" could anyone verify one more time that it's working. If it is there is something wrong from his end.

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54 minutes ago, Col. Ben Sherman said:

So, my friend just tested again and he still gets "Connection failed" could anyone verify one more time that it's working. If it is there is something wrong from his end.

I can try to connect to your server if you want.

I have exactly the same problem on my server.


Edit : I can't connect to your server too



When I say "I have the same problem", this is because I'm the only one how can connect to my DayZ server, two friend test and they can't connect to my server...

Edited by MisterSpray

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It was fixed, my friend could join as well. Seems like it has something to do with the generated instance or log folder. Once I deleted them again it worked for him.

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