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adding loot to custom buildings

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I managed to get loot to spawn in my custom buildings by using the proxyexport method from da0nes vanilla++ however after generating the new xml files and copying them to the mission files i use all military loot spawns and everywhere spawns civi gear anyone know of a way round this

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Solved when exporting the new locations the map group file sets everything to main instead of categorized by type.

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you need to add the buildings on community offline editor export them(paste them to a txt file) add them either to your init.c or if your using vanilla++ (easier) to the buildingspawner.c file

then you need to add a proxyexport after you boot the server, in the server console it eill say [CE]MapExport then in your storage folder will be a new folder called export copy the mapgrouppos.xml copy that to your mission root and hey presto custom buildings with custom loot 

im currently returning myskino tents to how they used to be 

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  On 11/24/2018 at 6:47 PM, Sy8282 said:

you need to add the buildings on community offline editor export them(paste them to a txt file) add them either to your init.c or if your using vanilla++ (easier) to the buildingspawner.c file

then you need to add a proxyexport after you boot the server, in the server console it eill say [CE]MapExport then in your storage folder will be a new folder called export copy the mapgrouppos.xml copy that to your mission root and hey presto custom buildings with custom loot 

im currently returning myskino tents to how they used to be 

you also need an admin chat based tool to write the export proxy command

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Export after the buildings have spawned you may need to move the proxy export command to run after the buildings have spawned are you using chernarus++? 

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Well, I'm usine the mod Da0ne with the buildspawner. I set to true export building and add custom building. After putting the code of the custom building in the buildingspawner.c, I  waited the Line CEExport in the console of my server and I replaced the 2 group files in the export file in my storage_1 with the old ones in the mission file  and after I restarted the server, still no loot in my custom building.

So I don't know what's wrong.

And yes, I'm using the chernarus++ map

Edited by Dmitri Medeleiv
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You need to switch the order in the config as as standard the export runs before the building spawns

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Sorry to jump in here, but i have a related problem, i have been using the Community Offline Mod 2.0 to make map edits, once i have placed the items, they are solid and cannot be passed through in the singleplayer COM (Walls/Buildings etc) however when i copy/paste the code into a server init.c file and load the server any player can run right through any of the new buildings/walls???

Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?

Thank you for any help, this is driving me crazy :/

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Da0ne has a new version out now unfortunately it's now a server and client side mod but it may fix your ghost walls

Edited by Sy8282

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  On 11/29/2018 at 1:30 AM, Dongleberry said:


Sorry to jump in here, but i have a related problem, i have been using the Community Offline Mod 2.0 to make map edits, once i have placed the items, they are solid and cannot be passed through in the singleplayer COM (Walls/Buildings etc) however when i copy/paste the code into a server init.c file and load the server any player can run right through any of the new buildings/walls???

Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?

Thank you for any help, this is driving me crazy :/

This is a bug within current stable branch 0.63.149525 but I heard is already fixed in current Experimental build Experimental Update 0.63.149653 

The bug is currently noticed with base building parts but it effects the custom added buildings too, so as soon as they release next stable branch we should see this fixed!

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sadly the new version also causes placed buildings to spawn in the wrong location and out of line with the rest made a huge mess 

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I managed to get my server giving me new export xml files.
After i put them in my new buildings did spawn loot but it was messed up.
Car wheels, shirts, huting jackets, weapons in military loot? :(

Can anyone help me out?

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Im not at my pc and cant remember what the one you need is but You only need the larger of the 2 files from the export folder (mapgrouppos or mapgroupproto)as the second smaler one overrides all building classes so everything is counted as civilian 

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