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DayZ Serverfiles Question

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Hello Community,

I downloaded and installed the DayZ Server Files version of Dayz SA

After a little tinkering and reading various peoples threads/blogs and the server files docs found on this forum I managed to get it working.

When I next rebooted my PC I get a popup message (from the OS I think) and it states that the folder PROGRAM is a potentially bad file/folder.

My questions are:
1. How do I stop this warning message popping up? - If I rename the folder, the next time the server is run the folder re-appears

2. I want to end up with 4 servers eventually, and they would be in the following folders
-  c:\dayzserver1
-  c:\dayzserver2, 
-  c:\dayzserver3
-  c:\dayzserver4

From what I understand I think either steam or the dayz server files program is creating the folder PROGRAM

Is there any way to change the name?
Or should I just move it and rename it c:\dayzserver1,  c:\dayzserver2,  c:\dayzserver3,   c:\dayzserver4

Thank you in advance for any light anyone can shine on this.



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i remember about this.. but not sure. if you didnt set profile dir path, default path is c:₩profile. can u find profile dir under c:?

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Hiya ddno,

Yes I set the server paths (I intend to only have one server running at the moment)


// Server name - max 64 chars
hostname = "JD DayZ SA Vanilla";

// Password for connection to the server
password = "";

// Password to become server admin  
passwordAdmin = "some-password-here";
// Maximum amount of players
maxPlayers = 30;

// Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (use only 2)
verifySignatures = 2;

// Server will allow connection only to clients with same exe revision as server when active (value 0-1)
forceSameBuild = 1;

// Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0;

// Voice over network codec quality (values 0-30)
vonCodecQuality = 7;
//turn on/off 3rd person view for players on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
disable3rdPerson = 0;

//turn on/off cross-hair on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair = 0;

// Server Start Time
serverTime = "SystemTime";        // Initial ingame time of server. "SystemTime" means local time of machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23".

// Accelerated Time (value 0-24)
serverTimeAcceleration = 4;        // This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case time would move 24 times faster than normal, an entire day would pass in one hour.

// Persistent Time (value 0-1)
serverTimePersistent = 0;        // Actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, next server start will use saved time value.

// Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1) 
guaranteedUpdates = 1;

// Number of players concurrently processed during login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting in the same time.   
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers = 5;

// Maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
loginQueueMaxPlayers = 30;

// DayZ server instance id to identify number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
instanceId = 1;

// how many persistence history files should been kept by instance, number is looped over during save
lootHistory = 1;

// Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storeHouseStateDisabled = false;

// Checks if persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)
storageAutoFix = 1;

// Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motd[] = {"Please visit our website line1","line2"};

// Time interval (in seconds) between each message
motdInterval = 1;

class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus";        //used mission
    //first part is mission name, second part is used map

Above is my serverdz.cfg


And following is my batch file for starting the server...


@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\DayZServer"
echo Starting DayZ Server
start "DayZ Server" "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2302 -config=serverDZ.cfg -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\DayZServer -BEpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\DayZServer\battleye -doLogs -adminLog 


I can manage to change the server paths to c:\dayzserver1 and I guess I then need to copy/move(?)

all of the files which I currently have in my c:\program files\steam....dayzserver folder into the c:\dayzserver1 folder...?


I DO NOT have a folder or file called PROFILE in the c:\ folder...

I have one called PROGRAM



Edited by DrZeddy

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