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Wall Damage.

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I just nearly threw my controller through the wall. I got Red Dead 2 after watching a lot on YTube and listening to my work colleges bang on about it. It's way to slow for me. To many cut scenes and if you skip them you don't know what's going on. Beautiful game I'll keep playing. But wasn't in the mood. Jumped on DayZ at midnite after work. Got a very lucky spawn on a max pop server. Scorpion first guard hut I waked into. Bullets but no mag in the shipping container next to it. Then food. Then two water bottles. Mosin and ammo as I skirted a big town. I'll help some feshys out.Stupid me. Kos fuck heads. I know I just got day z'd.  Still like this game better than red dead. Best ever start in a full sever. No one had a mic until I pressed the wrong button by accident and raised my hands instead of waving. And then the filth that came outta this fools mouth was nearly humorous. Anyway only lost fifteen minutes work and the GF is up for a naughty. I need a good wing man. Hit me up if you play at midnight in OZ. P.s. my wall and controller survived.

Edited by David Haines
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