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When will xbox get some gear

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When are we getting new gear pc this pc that come on guys it runs fine on pc sick of not seeing any thing for xbox

Edited by Cookster1234
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I feel Pilgrim explains it quite well in this thread. The content is coming and will come to Xbox it has to, deals were signed with Microsoft and I'm sure both BI and Microsoft take those seriously, I mean just think how many developers Microsoft have applying for games to be on their platform and how many don't make the cut.

I remember first hearing Dayz possibly coming to console 2 or 3 years ago and I remember being so pumped because I've followed this game from creation when it was just the mod for PC. So just think from them announcing that it was possibly coming, it's taken 2-3 years or longer to just to get it to console and now its here!

Edited by xzDIABLOzx
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