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John Mccalum

two servers

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Hello everyone
Here I create 2 servers and I would like to put one in Slave. I open ports 2302 2402, 27015 and 27016 on each of the two servers (server 1 = 2302 and 27015) (server 2 =2402 and 27016), but they are not mandatory between them :( What else do I need to do? ? Thank you in advance

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1. If they run on the same machine you can set the instanceID of server 1 to 1 and of server 2 to 2.

2. then you need to start them both once and stop them again and delete the players.db in storage_2.

3. Start the windows cmd as administrator (search cmd and rightclick, start as administrator)

4. enter the following command: mklink "DAYZ_SERVER_FOLDER\mpmissions\MISSION_NAME.chernarusplus\storage_2\players.db" "DAYZ_SERVER_FOLDER\mpmissions\MISSION_NAME.chernarusplus\storage_1\players.db" and replace the DAYZ_SERVER_FOLDER with your DayZ Server Folder and the MISSION_NAME with the fitting mission name.

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then you need to start them both once and stop them again and delete the players.db in storage_2      in server 1 or 2?

replace the DAYZ_SERVER_FOLDER with your DayZ Server Folder and the MISSION_NAME with the fitting mission name.     which server is the number 1 or the number 2?

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You need to set one server as server 1 and the other server with instanceID 2. You need two different Servers.cfg. in the missions folder you then have storage_1 and storage_2

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in fact I can not do the command in cmd :( it tells me access denied

I write: mklink G:\jeux\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1 G:\jeux\steamapps\common\DayZServer2\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1


where is the concern? please


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John, right now, there is not a supported or viable method of producing a Hive at the moment. The method that you are being recommended, is wildly outrageous and a terrible risk for one server or the other not working properly.

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Sqlite files are locked to a single program when being used by the server. If you use both servers on the same file as suggested, only one server can access the database file. But through my thorough testing, it actually can cause loss if data on both servers. It is not coded to handle this scenario.

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Could be right. I haven't tested it myself. Maybe if two Players Connect to the different servers at the same time, both want to access the DB. When MySQL Databases or something different is supported, it should be pretty easy to do.

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