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server ignoring attachment chance?

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why is it i have

<type name="MakarovIJ70">
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="Mag_IJ70_8Rnd" chance="1.00" />

on various weapons and they NEVER have magazines? literally 0% of the time?

Edited by robbhimself

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Try it with a PistolSuppressor. Mags are making the Weapon useless if spawned inside the weapon without being manually loaded. Maybe they block it then.

You should end up with something like

<type name="MakarovIJ70">
    <attachments chance="1.00">
        <item name="PistolSuppressor" chance="1.00" />


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  On 10/14/2018 at 8:04 AM, lbmaster said:

Try it with a PistolSuppressor. Mags are making the Weapon useless if spawned inside the weapon without being manually loaded. Maybe they block it then.

You should end up with something like

<type name="MakarovIJ70">
    <attachments chance="1.00">
        <item name="PistolSuppressor" chance="1.00" />


the suppressor chance seems to work just not magazines

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As is said, maybe they blocked magazines spawning in the weapon, because it will make the weapon unuseable. You can not take the Mag out of the weapon or shoot with it. It makes it completly useless



Edited by lbmaster

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  On 10/14/2018 at 8:40 AM, lbmaster said:

As is said, maybe they blocked magazines spawning in the weapon, because it will make the weapon unuseable. You can not take the Mag out of the weapon or shoot with it. It makes it completly useless



that code is from cfgspawnabletypes.xml that by default has a small chance to spawn with a mag, which happens very rarely in game currently. I just increased it to no effect. It just seems that chance is controlled somewhere else and/or the chances defined in cfgspawnabletypes do nothing. It's confusing.

Edited by robbhimself

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But if you look at the M4 Config you can see the default attachements have a 100% chance to spawn and I have not seen it in any other File yet.

    <type name="M4A1">
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_OEBttstck" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_PlasticHndgrd" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_CarryHandleOptic" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="0.30">
            <item name="Mag_STANAG_30Rnd" chance="1.00" />


Edited by lbmaster

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  On 10/14/2018 at 8:52 AM, lbmaster said:

But if you look at the M4 Config you can see the default attachements have a 100% chance to spawn and I have not seen it in any other File yet.

    <type name="M4A1">
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_OEBttstck" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_PlasticHndgrd" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="1.00">
            <item name="M4_CarryHandleOptic" chance="1.00" />
        <attachments chance="0.30">
            <item name="Mag_STANAG_30Rnd" chance="1.00" />


it seems to only affect magazines

I made a ticket on the bug tracker https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133134

Edited by robbhimself

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