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Quake Rocks

How to raise the loot on the windows server *stand alone* steam version, preview

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do you guys know if i have to edit a pbo or where the file or code is located to multiply the loot a little bit or increase it on my server im trying to setup, so far i was able to get some starting gear such as a knife and stuff

i got a pbo manager and know how to extract the *.c files and edit them in notepad++ and repack them

I stayed awake till 6am last night looking around but i didnt find the configuration for it


any and all help is greatly appreciated, just want to increase the loot a little bit

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Hey @Quake Rocks As far as I know, the most direct way of editing the loot spawn rate is through the db\types.xml file inside the server mission folder. This is a config file for the central economy. There are a number of parameters for each item, including the approximate number on the map, the minimum number and the respawn time.

As I just posted on the reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9k42f9/changing_loot_spawn_rates_a_short_explanation_of/), I found an explanation of the parameters inside the scripts.pbo in 3_Game\gameplay.c:


proto native int GetNominal(); // nominal - how many items should be aproximately in map
proto native int GetMin(); // min - minimal count should be available in map

proto native float GetQuantityMin(); // min quantity (0.0 - 1.0) (like ammobox - this determine how many bullets are there, or water bottle)
proto native float GetQuantityMax(); // max quantity (0.0 - 1.0) (like ammobox - this determine how many bullets are there, or water bottle)

proto native float GetQuantity(); // random quantity (0.0 - 1.0)

proto native float GetLifetime(); // lifetime in (seconds) - what is the idle before item abandoned at ground gets deleted
proto native float GetRestock(); // restock is oposite of lifetime - idle before item is allowed to respawn when required

proto native int GetCost(); // cost of item determines its 'value' for players (this serve as priority during respawn and cleanup operation)

proto native int GetUsageFlags(); // area usage flags (each bit has assigned group - which as part of map overlay effectively affects spawning)
proto native int GetValueFlags(); // area value flags (each bit has assigned group - which as part of map overlay effectively affects spawning)

Hopefully this can help you.

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