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Launch parameter for setting character model similar to -name= for character name?

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Hey peeps, been messing with serve files a bit, and got a bit stuck on something.

There is a few lines of code by default but also in a lot of examples I have seen that is

override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) 
Entity playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE"); 
Class.CastTo(m_player, playerEnt); 

GetGame().SelectPlayer(identity, m_player); return m_player;

This makes it so the character model is random each time after you die.

For example:

  • You spawn random character
  • You die
  • You exit the game
  • You boot up the game
  • You select character Lewis in menu
  • You spawn as character Lewis
  • You die
  • You hit respawn(So you don't exit the game)
  • You spawn random character

What I did, is simply comment out that whole part (or remove it)

What happens now is:

  • You spawn random character
  • You die
  • You exit the game
  • You boot up the game
  • You select character Lewis in menu
  • You spawn as character Lewis
  • You die
  • You hit respawn(So you don't exit the game)
  • You spawn as character Lewis

The key difference here, is that even after I died, I spawned as character Lewis, because I selected him in the menu before joining the server.

Now the issue is that as long as I never close the game (server doesn't matter), I will always spawn as Lewis.

The only thing that stops me from spawning as Lewis, is if I have closed my DayZ session and rebooted it. If I change my character model in the menu, and respawn, I will always respawn as that character, again, until I close the game down.

TL;DR: The game doesn't seem to save your selected character model when you close down the game, only for your current session.

So one way I was looking for to fix this, is to start up the game with a launch parameter, so that instead of having to go to the char menu every time, I could simply make the game set it itself with a launch parameter. The same works with your character name with -name= and I was hoping if anyone knew of a way to do that to the character model or even the whole preset(model+clothing).

Keep in mind though, I don't want to set a specific model for everyone on the server, I want the server to still treat all clients the same as an un-modded server(apart from the code being commented out).

Or if anyone knows of any other way to somehow save the character preset selection I'll be glad to hear it. 

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