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Sad music for low humanity.

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I'd like to see a 'sad background music for low humanity' added in Dayz

How about we change the background music of people who have low humanity, to a sad/gloomy one?

This doesn't give disadvantage or anything but it puts the bandit into a sad environment.

This won't necessarily reduce the murder rate or do anything really.

But people with low humanity will feel that they have pushed the humanity further to an end.

It's kind of a mechanic to make players feel more guilty.

I know this won't make a big change, but for immersion and emotion sake, what do you think of this?

It won't be that hard job or anything. Just a few more codes and a good music choice.

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How about some really annoying music, and increase the volume as you increase the murder count? ;) Murder rate will go down, suicide rate will go up :D

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You don't need to justify your suggestion by saying that it isn't hard to code. So many people do this, and doesn't make the developers more likely to want to put it in. Oh, this guy says it's easy, so it must be easy. Seems legit.

That being said, I normally have music turned off, since it just repeats itself over and over again.

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You don't need to justify your suggestion by saying that it isn't hard to code. So many people do this' date=' and doesn't make the developers more likely to want to put it in. Oh, this guy says it's easy, so it must be easy. Seems legit.

That being said, I normally have music turned off, since it just repeats itself over and over again.


I'm sorry. I think you're right about that.Frankly i know nothing about programming.I'm Sorry devs. I underestimated your works..

About the music turned off, yes i noticed a lot of players actually turns their music off, but i think this could change if the music is good enough and really fits in well.

I figured out myself that music really really change how you feel ingame.

I don't want to take music as a minor factor.

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People disable music to hear better, not so much because they don't like it. I know i did, and i can hear way better.

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Current music is kinda annoying..(sorry devs) it sounds like an industrial hammering going on. That could be one of the factors why a lot of people turn off their music.

But please do not underestimate how music changes the whole mood of the game.

It really really is a big factor.

If the music is good enough, i'm hoping people would turn it on and blend it in.

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You're missing the point, i liked the music the mod has, it adds to my immersion, but i like more being able to hear stuff happening around me, so i disable it. And i will probably disable any other music even better than the current one, unless it is forced upon me.

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You're missing the point' date=' i liked the music the mod has, it adds to my immersion, but i like more being able to hear stuff happening around me, so i disable it. And i will probably disable any other music even better than the current one, unless it is forced upon me.


Oh, i see :)

I wouldn't want the music forced upon either, absolutely not.

I guess this suggestion wouldn't affect you much really :D

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