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Blood, Meat And Matches, mechanics tweaks.

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Just a few minor tweaks I thought would help smooth out some of the mechanics.

First- Blood should have a slow (and i mean really slow) regeneration rate only over say 10000 blood units.

Meat- Meat should give less blood right away lets say 300 but regenerate blood over time say 700. So Meat would provide more blood than they do now by 200 but do so over time.

Matches- Simply put %1.71 chance to spawn is too low. maybe just up to %2 would be sufficient.

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+1 for natural regen while food/water high.

meat - I'd say make it all regen or add a "too full" mechanic. Otherwise we are into skyrim logic of "let me pause this fight to eat 20 blocks of cheese". Not that you can pause, but still - a few times I have been in a supermarket and downed 15 cans of beans that I can't carry just to get blood back.

matches, I'd say more spawn and make them limited uses too.

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