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97ADU Doug

How many murders to officially become a bandit?

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Basically what im asking, is how many murders do you need to commit to actually be considered a bandit by Dayz. To be more specific, how many murders do you need to commit in-order to be put down as a bandit kill rather then a murder when someone kills you?

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I believe its 7, and I think your skin changes when you become a bandit. I'm on 5 murders, so I'd tell you if I got 2 more

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I believe its 7' date=' and I think your skin changes when you become a bandit. I'm on 5 murders, so I'd tell you if I got 2 more


Didnt they remove it

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I was told it is 3 murders to become considered a bandit, and they removed the "bandit" skin, and instead they added a heartbeat, if you are aiming at a bandit, you will hear your heartbeat speed up and become louder.

They are also removing the humanity system in a future patch to remove all distinctions between bandits and non bandits.

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once i was told you start with 2500 humanity, and one kill costs 2000, and you regain 50 per hour or so. i think you go bandit if your humanity goes below zero, that would make sense to me.

however i don't know if that's still true with the current patch.

what i know is, that if you hear the heartbeat it doesn't mean you look at a bandit. it just means the humanity is lower then normal. if i kill someone and look at his corpse, i will still hear the heartbeat (so they killed someone before) but i get no bandit kill.

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aw, I wanted the bandit skin... ah well, I don't mind that they removed it. Your heart starts beating faster even at 1 murder, so yeh

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