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Stuck in fire station :(

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Hey guys... I've found myself stuck in the tower section of the fire station. Folk have barb wired it off, and now I can't get out. I'm server hopping like mad trying to find one that's not been blocked. Is there some way I can get around them? Any exploit / ways to get through walls etc - because this is ridiculous.

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Afraid not. Just keep trying different servers.

If it means anything I purposely watch out for server hoppers looting firestation towers and instantly drop them.

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Try going to a US server with Ping around 150..if you dont get kicked then there might be a chance that the dumb hopper wouldn't have been there.

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I would suggest jumping but you dont wanna break your leg :D haha

hint: join a night time sever

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Im more then certain that near the top of the firestation there is a wall, that if you look at it the correct way allows you to access the ladder outside.

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Im more then certain that near the top of the firestation there is a wall' date=' that if you look at it the correct way allows you to access the ladder outside.


Cheers dude - I do recall seeing a climb ladder symbol going up and down these stairs. I never thought anything of it - but i'll give it a go.

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Im more then certain that near the top of the firestation there is a wall' date=' that if you look at it the correct way allows you to access the ladder outside.


Was just about to suggest that, that's how I generally leave fire stations, go in, loot, then escape via the outside ladder from the middle of the tower part, stealthy escape.

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Ya, it should be on the wall to your right if you look in the direction the fire station doors are facing (The big red doors). Go up the tower and look in the corner closest to the back of the building and you get the option to get out. I use only if A:I get trapped in the same situation as you or B:SHTF and I have no other option but to use my escape ladder

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i know by one of the stairs up in the tower u can go onto the ladder outside threw the wall...well it givesu the option i dont know if it works or not

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