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Is the Skorpion Broken?

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I've come across two of these guns in my travels, basically its an UZI that shoots .380. I can't seem to get this thing to shoot in auto (day z wiki says its auto although I assume its for PC) or even the semi auto that the game says it is. I've pulled the mag from it, reloaded it to max capacity, load it in and it just shoots a single shot. Then my character needs to reload a single round in the chamber before shooting again. Is the gun broken, am I doing something wrong? Its the only gun i've been having issues with so far.

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As far as I've seen on other forums, there currently isn't an option to switch fire modes yet, but the gun might just be bugged. I had to drop my gun and pick it back up a couple times for my magazine to go in properly.

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im told there is no full auto on any gun on xbox yet.

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Both of the skorpions i've found did the same thing. I'm fine with no full auto, but loading it after every shot, might as well give me a musket since it probably hits harder lol.


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oh wow didnt understand that part about reloading every shot, stay away from the skorpion if possible.

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So I’ve been playing, and I’ve noticed that you can in fact change fire modes. You have to hit right on the d-pad while having your gun out and holding left trigger. It’s still buggy and it’s binded with the quick slot so you can only do it every 5 tries, but I can confirm you can change fire modes. ??

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