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Friendly servers

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Hi, I know everything is new on console but I need to ask if we are getting U.K. servers and Friendly Servers, yes I know it's a survival game but it's also a RPG. Spending hours trying to survive collecting and scavenging just to be shot by 3 bullies is not fun.

It feels like it's turning into a PUBG game and I never signed up for that, this game has great mmorpg potential, don't let the PUBG bacteria infect this game because it's starting to. Friendly server with no pvp mode and let us worry about Z's and survival not idiots who just want to spoil the game.

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sorry bro this has been happening since before pubg was a thing. most people will try to kill you

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Honestly, at this point I would just be happy when I can actually log into a server. I know it just came out and it will have its bugs but I feel personally that making sure that being able to actually load into a game should be top priority. It took literally 45 minutes just for some friends and i to find a server that would let us play. Now I love that idea on some PVE action! It would be great being able to maybe walk up to somebody and have a button to possibly “group” up together.? just a random thought. Anyways, keep up the great work guys! 

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