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Food and Water

  •  In the modded version of PC, I remember being able to last 30 days without Food or Water, I would like it to be added later in the game
  • I think there needs to be more Food and Water all over the map, Every time I die, I go through houses and towns, and cities and military bases and if I'm lucky I'll find one thing of food out of the three towns or more


  • I think that Cars, Planes, Helicopters and Boats would be a good add with fuel to help players out and be able to add cargo to the vehicles to transport


I hope that this post doesn't get locked, but if you have any ideas for the devs, please add them below

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Vehicle's are being brought in to the game in following patches but as for supplies, Yes, they are scarce and our maps being capped to 60 people (yet to see one over 40) i believe the lack of loot is not due to other players taking it but there not being enough there in the first place. On PC loot is massively more available compared to console, why?  I have no idea LOL 

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How about:

server sorting and favoriting that works, also servers that work

party chat and the ability to at least invite friends/party to same server, even if you dont spawn together.

Do all the characters smoke? Who breathes that hard and that heavy after running 20 feet, they aren't even American.


I mean, really just a decently running game would be nice, there is GP and then there is whatever DayZ GP is supposed to be.

Edited by DogeMillionare
theres just so much to list

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10 minutes ago, DogeMillionare said:

How about:

server sorting and favoriting that works, also servers that work

party chat and the ability to at least invite friends/party to same server, even if you dont spawn together.

Do all the characters smoke? Who breathes that hard and that heavy after running 20 feet, they aren't even American.


I mean, really just a decently running game would be nice, there is GP and then there is whatever DayZ GP is supposed to be.

The server issues, like DCs & failed loadings and inventory glitches etc are problems of it being in a GP stage but the stamina etc are how they have made it to be like that. I personally haven't had many issues in game apart from the common issues we know of like inventory etc etc etc

Tbf, it runs relatively ok for the 2nd day of GP as other games were much worse on release into GP. 

My issue comes from the lack of consistency for PC users against Xbox users...the forums are layed out biased towards not giving console as much resources to give feedback and report game issues.

I personally think come xmas we should have a decent running GP game on pur hands. 

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