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Syd Barrett

Magazines And Ammo

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I'm new to DayZ, so when I find a gun it has no magazine and ammo.  

Is it hard to find a magazine that will fit that gun as well as the right ammo?

Lastly, once you find the right mag and ammo then how do you load the gun?

I need a major tutorial on the gun. Thanks

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One of my major gripes about dayz is that for some reason the mag never spawns with a gun, it’s like this on pc as well. I have no idea why someone would keep a gun without a mag. Anyways, magazines are about as rare as the gun, on the Xbox I have so far found a few Makarov mags(or whatever it is called in game) two m4s that has mags equipped which was a pleasant surprise plus another laying around, and two ak mags. In order to load them you must place the mag in hand, hover over the ammo, exit your inventory, and then you should see a prompt to hold RT to reload. It’s a process, I know, I hope it gets resolved. Hope this helped you 

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