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[] Character stats reset and Items missing upon log in

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Date/Time: 1900-2030 Eastern Time on July 3rd

What happened: Disconnected to take a dinner break. Upon reconnect, I found my character in the middle of a road near where I had disconnected. My character was no longer wearing the camo suit I had put on a few minutes prior to disconnect (still in inventory), my character still had the winchester that I gave to a teammate a few minutes prior, and my M249 had disappeared from my inventory (or that of anyone else in my group for that matter).

Additionally, all of my character stats had been reset. 0 zombie kills, 0 headshots, 0 murders, etc. and 12000 blood. Disconnecting and reconnecting did not rectify the problem in any way. Another member of my group found himself spawned in Kamenka for some reason. His character had also had all stats reset, but he retained all inventory items.

My guess is this is some sort of server hiccup, as there was a time shortly prior to disconnect where my inventory and location matched the one upon reconnect. Still, this does not seem to explain my friend's random teleportation to Kamenka.

Where you were: Started out near the base of Pik Kozlova upon disconnect. Reconnected at the road between Pik Kozlova and the Cap Golova lighthouse.

What you were doing: Reconnecting to a server after having disconnected for an hour.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Seattle 74

*Your system specs: Win 7 64 Bit, i7 Processor, 8GB DDR RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX580

*Timeline of events before/after error:

--The week prior, acquire a DMR and Mk48 off of a dead player. Lose the DMR to an inventory glitch. Teammate kept Mk48.

-- Earlier today, I find M249 at lucky Heli Crash site a few meters away from my logout point near Berezino. Teammate loses Mk48 to inventory glitch on the way south to meet up with friends.

--Met up with group of friends on Pik Kozlova. Had an M249 and winchester in inventory/backpack respectively.

--One inexperienced friend died from zombies down by the road, so I went down to secure his stuff (he didn't have much) but he did have camo clothing that he couldn't use b/c of female character.

--Attempted to trade winchester to friend. To avoid any sort of backpack or inventory glitch (as had happened with a DMR and Mk48 earlier), I first dumped the 249 in the middle of the road. I then walked a few meters and dumped the Winchester before going back to pick up my M249.

-- Shortly thereafter I put on my new camo suit.

-- Minutes later, we agreed to break for dinner and come back in about an hour. I move my character up into the foothills of Pik Kozlova.

-- Upon login, character/inventory wipe is experienced. After a few minutes of raging, I attempt to log out and log back in.

-- Aside from missing items, all items in my inventory still work including the camo clothing still in the inventory.

-- Continue about my business, a little more than slightly pissed off, but enjoying the dayZ experience none the less

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I also have the same issue, I can't enjoy the game as I died and now have nothing. Its hard to progress when all of my items reset to basic spawn items after relog.

Current installed is:

Servers: US100 New Jersey, North Carolina 1-23, multiple other servers.

Please help, I can't even play the game, I've tried re-installing to no avail. :(

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This has been happening for at least a week and a half for me. Even before the newest patch. Worst part is that they said they fixed it but here I am waiting intently for a patch and when it does come out I just get dissapointed once again by DayZ's grade A work when it comes to updates and patches.

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possible complete wipe of the game and steam? i'd say try erasing everything and doing a complete re-install you could also possibly have outta date files? i donno this is the first that i have seen of this:\

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Yep, same here. Too test it, I drop everything I have (Flashlight, bandage, backpack, painkillers.) and I re-log. So far, every time I come back the stuff is on the ground and I have it all again. Good way to dupe painkillers I guess. I've heard of the "Hit respawn then join a new server" trick but still no dice, would love to hear any other way to fix it, or what causes it.

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I had this error too, i thought that it is caused by the new creation of a new character (with a different id).

To fix it I had to open the six updater (I assume you are using it too) and set the character settings not to create a new character every time.

You do that by selecting a specific player profile in the game profile section.

You might want to check the preset section too.

(I selected the player profile with my ingame name)

I hope my instructions helped you :)

fyi I'm now spawning with the characters I played with before so I'm going to create a new profile and use that from now on.

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i have the same error. it saves the stats on kills / current hp but resets the items every time i relog. also on death im prompted for a gender every time

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I had this error too, i thought that it is caused by the new creation of a new character (with a different id).

To fix it I had to open the six updater (I assume you are using it too) and set the character settings not to create a new character every time.

You do that by selecting a specific player profile in the game profile section.

You might want to check the preset section too.

(I selected the player profile with my ingame name)

I hope my instructions helped you :)

fyi I'm now spawning with the characters I played with before so I'm going to create a new profile and use that from now on.

I can't seem to find character settings in six updater...which tab is it under?

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I've gotten the same problem twice now, happens with my backpack also.

I would put some guns in my inventory and backpack. Log off, log back in a few minutes later and then poof, guns are gone, stats reset to many minutes before i logged off.

Very frustrating when you end up losing 4 different guns to this.

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Its a version problem for sure....

Make sure you are running the same version that your server is running....

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Same here. Three times today, three different severs. I log in to find my weapons gone, my toolbelt empty and my backpack gone.

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Yeah similar problem here only with cooked meat - if I log off with steaks in my inventory when I log back in some or all are missing. Stats and all other items are ok though.

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I can't seem to find character settings in six updater...which tab is it under?

It's under the "Game Profile" tab.

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Yeah your not alone bud. Last night i logged outside of Cherno with my M16 and Alice pack full of loot now.its back to the basics. This is my second time, and no i was not server hopping i had been playing on that one server for about 3 hours straight.

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