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About the CTRL + R reload method people found in 0.63

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I feel like keeping this debug feature is fine for the game, and this is why:

The debug hotkey (CTRL + R) as it is now only chambers rounds on empty guns, and cycles magazines that are previously managed, prepared and fully loaded for combat.

This feature solidify the player's necessity of foreseeing and managing their inventory and magazines beforehand, in order to survive a fight.

The counter to the "ease of use" of the CTRL + R method, happens when the player runs out of ammo on their mags...

If said player doesn't have the hotkeys set for the right items (Gun / Loaded Mag / Empty Mag / Ammunition) in order to "quick re-load" like many people are doing right now.

Check the link to have a sight of what I'm describing here: "The proper way to reload" by u/DannyDog68

The player will then have to run, not able to fight anymore, being at a severe disadvantage, since he will have to chamber rounds into his gun, he will have to hide and stop somewhere, to "tab" into his inventory, manage his magazines and re-stock the ammo into them.

So, with this we can conclude: CTRL + R is good to prepared players but has it's flaws as it only chambers rounds after your magazines are all empty. This method has a very specific role, and should be kept as it saves a lot of hassle for new players and feels super intuitive.

Managing hotkeys like now, is the safe route to those who want to survive and fight in any situation, making it the best method of reloading. Players that get more used to the game will eventually notice this, learn it and use it to their advantage, instead of the CTRL + R method if it is kept. The hotkey method will then become part of the learning curve, thus, it will become the "veteran" and safe approach to handling our weapons.

Note: This was an answer to the dev's decision on not keeping the CTRL + R method of reloading that reddit's user - u/yasen400 found out.

I brought the topic into a discussion on a reddit post, click the hyper-link if you wan't to check how the discussion went...

One answer I had there was about the lack of internal magazine weapons added into the game at this point in 0.63 time and how easy the method would make to handle these weapons, which is a fact that might affect the functionality of the feature, and my answer was... 


"This method has a very specific role, and should be kept"

I mean, how easy and fair would be the fight between a guy using a Mosin/SKS vs. a fully loaded Steyr Aug anyway?

CTRL + R adds convenience to both sides, while also balancing these situations to even then a lil' bit... Which means, it is a good and intuitive thing to have as a gameplay mechanic.


Edited by Pliskin Scout
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