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Mays (DayZ)

Longest time you've stayed alive?

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Nice thread :D

I think my character's been alive for... 8 days now? Or 4 if we're talking about in-game days.

Spawned near lighthouse between Komarovo and Kamenka, get chased by a zombie, find a hatchet, start trekking inland... I come across some simple houses and barns for basic equipment & shotgun. I go through Bar, again see if there's anything there but didn't find anything.

Then eventually I come across Zelenogorsk via Green Mountain tower, and see the supermarket. I carefully scout the area from near the wall, hear some shots, two guys come out and don't see me(?). I come to conclusion that they've gone, go inside and find this dude shot and loot him.


SWEET BABY JESUS MATCHSTICKS ima cook some meatins tonigt 8)

Also got the czech backpack and bunch of stuff. I hit some deer stands, get connection problems, log back in on another server and there it is morphine just sitting there. I grab the drugs and back to Zelenogorsk foodmart.

This time I'm playing 1st person view, and hadn't really got used to it. I alert a couple of zombies and bam my bristly bones get porked once again. I kill the zombos and inject the stuff, and decide to hit some more deer stands. After about 13 of them I still haven't found any, and think that damn I have to hit Scary Sobor or even worse, a hospital.

Off to the woods it is, looting deer stands for stuff. I arrive in Stary Sobor and nada nada nada, no drugs. Just some guns here and there... zeroing? Pff like I know how to use that shit... :)

Off to Berezino Hospital it is and more deer stands... I come across an ATV on a field, thinking it's a trap. (:D !!) Nope, just ran out of gas and nothing inside. Nothing in Gorka either, but after running like a Kenyan I arrive in Berezino hospital with no-one around (odd), loot half a dozen of morphine injectors and leave.

TRUE STORY BRO. Perheaps a little boring but I'm still alive lol.

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About a week or so. But can hardly remember, that was long before everyone started shooting on sight.. ;)

These dayZ I usually last 12-24h or so on average.

Could be our play-style of course... but honestly I dont really care enough to track it.

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32 days. 300+ zombie kills, 0 murders/bandits, although it's been close a few times. I travel both alone and with a group. Just got my flashlight, never spawned with flashlight yet. Have had a UAZ, a Bus and now an ATV. Got a silenced mp5 and a glock for zombies, and a M4 CCO for self defense.

A few rules for a longer life:

1. Learn how the engine works so you don't fall/glitch as often.

2. Avoid Cherno/Electro. I still haven't visited Cherno despite having played for 3 months.

3. Focus on stocking your toolbelt. Cooked meat will save you later, and at little risk.

4. Don't be afraid to play at night. Zombies are quite harmless at night.

5. (optional) Shoot first.

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25 days ending in a dumb glitchy death (but at least i didn't get sniped strolling through cherno)

tried to crawl around the front of one of those pine trees on the north elektro hill while my buddy was spawning in right next to me

his spawn delocated my player into the tree and instagibbed me

good thing it was a short run back from otmel

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14 days for me, then I went on a drunken joy-ride with some clan-mates and while leaving a town with 4 of us in a car we got shot at and the car blew up.. such a LMAO moment xD

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i've had 10 days... realised it wasn't much fun so i respawned and started just finding a gun standing on a roof and shooting people

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Kind of surprised at how low most of these numbers are. I've had three characters now that have each lived 10+ days, the longest being 14 days. The 14 day old character had a little under 800 zombie kills, 28 murders and 4 bandit kills before dying to some guy with an M4 who happened to be prone in a group of bushes in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere. The other characters each had 500-600 zombie kills, but only a small number of murders.

To be honest, the most fun I've had is usually within a couple hours of spawning. The long-lived characters are what made me take a break from dayz. A combination of boredom due to living in the middle of nowhere and never interacting with other people (friendly or hostile), and frustration that after such a long life and MANY airfield raids I'd still never seen any top-tier loot (machine gun, NVG, sniper rifle better than a CZ, coyote elite...), or driven a vehicle. Whenever I get back to playing the game (maybe trying it again after 1.7.2) I'll probably just deathmatch it up in cherno/elektro/stary/airfields.

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my best char was :-

15 days 110+hrs ingame playtime

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